Nature Loadout

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by C4talyst, Oct 4, 2016.

  1. C4talyst Well-Known Player

    Tell me what you think?

    I currently use: I am in Insectoid form

    Savage Growth
    Cross Pollination
    Swarm Shield
    Hive Mind


    HM -> SG -> M


    HM -> SG -> M -> CP

    Blossom when needed

    Swarm Shield if I try to help some people.

    my only problem is people run off out of range of my heals and wonder why they die?
  2. Tilz Loyal Player

    I would go with harvest instead of using Cross Poll.
    You don't have to refresh the pheromones after using harvst. Itt's pretty spamable.
    Using CP willl work yes, but I would go witth Harvest.

    HM - SG/Meta
    --> use harvest if you need heals. Optional you can clip harvest with meta or any other power for more speed.

    If group needs huge (really huge) heals:

    Harvest / Blossom / Meta. So after that clip you will have 1 stakc of pheromones up. (Blossom uses all the pheromones and you need to recast them)

    CG and Meta keep the pheromones up for 39 seconds (i think)

    EDIT: if ppl go out of range it's either their fault (if they rush in contentt).. or your fault and you need to find a better position. but the range is not too bad
  3. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    Hive Mind clipped with Swarm Shield to get power back. Also, I use Harvest instead of Cross Pollination. Can stun adds and give quick small burst heals. Come's in handy if the tank in overrun with adds, or if someone needs to be picked up and an add is attacking. Blossom and reapply HoTs when someone's about to die. Blossom doesn't give power back so I only use it in emergencies. Spam Harvest only when needed.
  4. C4talyst Well-Known Player

    Thank you for the info. I am going to go with Harvest I liked it just wanted to get the buffs from Instectoid. I will change the loadout.

    to :

    HM -> SS -> H -> SG -> M

    Probably won't need to go that far on rotation but when I need to follow through.

    and Blossom only when needed. Thank you again!
  5. C4talyst Well-Known Player

    Also, I always try to stay close to the group. especially during trash pulls someone flies jumps too far ahead. I try to stay close to tanks when they are available. thank you for the info.
  6. Tilz Loyal Player

    You don't need to clip HM -> SS ... if HM is active you'll get powerback on the Shield. Just use the shield if it'S really needed (Like pickups and stuff). Healers don't really have set rotations. Just "clips" for certain situations.
  7. C4talyst Well-Known Player

    Using the HOTs to mitigate damage from adds and bosses. As long as I can keep my energy up which so far I can I keep a small rotation of HOTs keep everyone safe most of the time except when they run off. Is what I like to do. Thank you Tilz I will try to keep in mind it is situational still new.