nature dps 151cr 172sp low damage

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Tacca, Feb 11, 2016.

  1. Tacca Well-Known Player

    Hi all,

    I have a problem with low damage output. Last week I played PB and came last out of the damage dealers and whats more frustrating is that I did a few thousand more than the tank. Is 172 sp now considered too low? In the t7 duo on necropolis a player with 16 crs lower than me did similar amounts of damage as me. They were sorcery so I thought it was the power.!/1125899906993311/equipped

    Could it be because some of my gear is not registering on the player database? My stats don't seem to be low. Or are they?

    HEALTH 17017
    POWER 6222
    DEFENSE 16464
    MIGHT 10360
    PRECISION 3940

    My healing is fine. Well maybe not for raids. I play with one arm so I don't mind when I get called a noob. Should I change to sorcery for my dpsing and healing or should I stay with nature and just heal? I want to have a toon that can dps. Out of my high cr toons I can tank, heal and control.

    My loadout is:
    human form: savage growth, vine lash, briar, harvest, swarm, wolf form
    wolf form: harvest, serpent call, carnage, voracious plants, swarm, human form
  2. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    first of all, if the tanks CR was 156, they register more damage. 2nd, what power was the tank? Atomic tanks do a lot of damage.
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  3. Tacca Well-Known Player

    Yea she was atomic cr154. But is nature low at dpsing?
  4. Real2TM Well-Known Player

    The words Nature and Dps don't really go together anymore. I am 155 cr and 230sp and I can't out dps a good dps player or OP power. Nature just doesn't measure up when compared to any power besides electric. There are plenty of different loadouts that work and I have used in the past 4 years but dps with Nature is not great anymore.

    There was a time when Nature DPS was amazing and topped leaderboards but after revamps, buffs of other powers and nerfs it just falls short. The CR difference between you and the tank plays a part in the difference of damage but you should still be able to out damage the tank.
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  5. Ichiro Loyal Player

    It's the power. Nature is one of the bottom powers dps wise. The others are HL, Rage, and electricity. HL is getting an update next so it may be in line soon.

    If you want to DPs and be competitive then a switching to sorcery is your best bet. Healing wise i think Nature is a better healing power.
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  6. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    LMAO..inline, how so...LOL...

    Nature is not a strong DPS power ATM. It needs an update after weapons get updated...
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  7. Oleandis Well-Known Player

    Loadout man... gotta change the loadout. Gone are the days of wolf form being strong.

    Are you Villain?
  8. Ichiro Loyal Player

    LMAO "in line" not "inline" Amazing what a little space does to the meaning.
  9. Tacca Well-Known Player

    I'm a hero, leagueless pug and probably will stay that way. I think I'll create a new toon to dps
  10. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    I can remember when on a raid I would be the only Sorc...and the only one using every other duo I compete against clones trying to see if my years of experience can beat their watching a video for 5 mins to a half hour...
  11. omegahawk74 Committed Player

    I don't think Nature really is a high Damage type anyways really.
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  12. omegahawk74 Committed Player

    I don't think Nature really is a high Damage type anyways really.
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  13. Fies Committed Player

    1st of all for 151CR//172SP your stats seem low.
    Nature in its current state is lacking. To make up for this you should use a strong weapon like one-handed and skip wolf-form.
    Apply dots-> 4-tap-hold. SG->VL->Briar->Harvest->carnage-> 4-tap-hold (1-hand) clipped with either harvest/VP repeat (+refresh carnage) -> like this:
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  14. Oleandis Well-Known Player
