My thoughts on what all new raids should be to appease all.....

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Pumped, Oct 17, 2013.

  1. Pumped New Player

    If we get 2 new raids in the DLC:

    1st raid- 92 CR

    A raid w / sub bosses that drop marks (which ever they choose to use). The raid should be hard but achievable if team is properly geared. A vendor to purchase 92 gear & 90 weapons w/ marks. Have a iconic drop like Prime helm drop off end boss make it just as rare. Have the iconic drop be a weapon that can be modded & untuned to role (97CR) The end boss should drop plans but not expert & a chance at a piece of 95 gear.

    2nd raid (2 levels)- Novice 93CR

    A easy / novice RaId. The novice raid has a chance to drop weapons ( 93 CR) at sub bosses. The novice raid should have a higher difficulty then raid 1. This raid should give marks that can purchase gear & weapons just like raid 1. The end boss should drop 93 gear, weapons & plans but not expert. This raid gives everyone to learn the mechanics of the raid & opportunity to get geared before they go to expert.

    Expert 95-96
    A raid that's hard but achievable just like Nexus & Parradox was in T4 if the players are exp. this raid should drop 95 gear of sub bosses but not every time. The end boss will drop 96 gear & weapons but player will have option of role (unatuned). 1 weapon or one piece of 96 CR will fall each time. 95 gear will also fall at end boss. Expert plans will be rare. A iconic piece of gear can fall but Really rare with a 98CR.

    At the vendor you van purchase 94 gear w/ marks. Weapons fall from raids.

    I feel this appeases everyone. The players who want to buy gear & weapons w/ marks & those who don't. It also adds a novice raid in where players can learn the raid & still get stronger.

    If they add a vendor you shouldn't be able to get marks for T6 gear by running alerts, solo's or duo's. Marks for gear are only obtainable through the raids.

    There should be no walkin's to this raids & the devs need to fix any glitches or exploits immediately.

    Open for discussion.

    Best regards!
  2. Pumped New Player

    1 bump.

    Best regards!
  3. Remander Steadfast Player

    Really? You bumped your own thread an hour after you posted it?
    • Like x 7
  4. Brice Allen Loyal Player

    hehe...Remander he posted it last night at 9:23PM...not today during the AM.
  5. Poo New Player

    I like the idea of having a novice raid. Would have been nice to check out Nexus.

    I'm good with two vendors. Been full Pride for a bit now and can't progress.

    Marks for vendor gear have to fall in solos, duos, and alerts. A lot of people don't raid.
  6. Pumped New Player

    Best marks should only be obtainable through the hardest content.

    Best regards!
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  7. Remander Steadfast Player

    I stand corrected. Nevertheless, it's against forum guidelines to bump your own thread.
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  8. NyteSkye New Player

    No... I can already see now these raids still won't be achievable with the right CR. Bosses will still 1 shot you at any given time, or, whenever they feel like it. You can be full T5435398573476538 and still wipe. The community will continue to ask for higher CR's above the required CR to unlock the instance. Gear is still luck based (and from my observations, plenty of people are getting sick of luck being the biggest factor in having the highest gear). The loot table will still give you junk.

    Let's face it, I don't think any raid will ever be perfect.
  9. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Pumped I understand what you want, but the problem is dcuo have never been about Hardcore raids. When they tried with the nexus and wave raids the population dropped to low levels. If the devs did do what you wanted but kept the drops like they are now, how long before the 95cr raid will be easy because of replay badges. Wave and Nexus stayed hard for some so long because of the weak drop rate
  10. Brice Allen Loyal Player

    Indeed...I was just messing with you:p.
  11. TMadness Well-Known Player

    Thing to realize is that they've learned from the mistakes of Nexus and PW. Once this change happens and everyone gets gear the complaints will die down because people will have the right gear to breeze through the stuff.

    As far as new raids I hope the keep all of the difficulty from the current raids but scale them properly to the gear that is readily available.
  12. Wilder Midnight New Player

    i think the devs need to design a few raids with their player base in mind. make it so all the things we've done um... "unffocially" suddenly become something we need to do to complete or move the raid forward. make it so we have to stand in specific spots or line up. i want a support beam that someone picks up at the start. it can take damage, be destroyed and needs to be protected...but if its intact at the start of the last boss fight it can be used to keep the last door open for a few extra minutes or until it eventually breaks down. make it so we have to trick and trap bosses. make us hug walls. make us super speed into the room.
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  13. Dogico Loyal Player

    Agreed. If T6 raids difficulty comes mostly from avoiding one shots I don't see myself running them more than once a week.
  14. Bamf 7 New Player

    Paradox is a very simple raid if the mechanics of each boss are understood and the raid is working as intended. All bosses have their enrage timer and if it takes to long on the burn you will get the famous one shot. That being said the other one shots are very easy to see and people need to get out of the way. The Ravager takes off running and swipes which is a one shot. The key is do not get tunnel vision and move out of the way when he rolls at you. FYI he has a wider range on his swiping side then he does on his off hand. Also if the tank bumps the ravager on his charge he will stop and swipe without running across the room. This requires the team to not be standing off to the side when fighting. The Sentry is the one that seems to have the buggy shield, but the Devs seem to have somewhat fixed that issue. Again kill before the enrage timer, which means pick up the orbs when the shield goes up and throw them at the Sentry. When he jumps the initial hit will not kill you it is the foo stomp that follows the jump that kills you. When he looks at you start jumping and he will shoot the ceiling. Now, when the adds come up the tank has to gain control or nasty things happen. The Warrior is essentially a tank and spank fight. If the warrior looks in your direction start jumping and he will shot the ceiling. When the Warrior pulls everyone in whoever he is looking at must break line of sight to keep the 5 ball death shot from happening. The Oppressor is very simple just do not be the guy standing in the back or you are in the BALL. The Tyrant is very simple now and requires little to no effort to beat.

    Nexus is very simple and takes 30 minutes, but still requires some communication to complete.

    The raids are not difficult they just require people to get out of the T4 mentality of nothing can damage us we are invincible. The thought of creating multiple difficulty levels for the same raid is a cool idea, but not necessary in my opinion. Work on the group mechanics and the raids will get completed. Vendor loot is fine but it should be at least 2-3 CR below the loot that is rewarded for finishing content. Weapon drops and jewelry should stay as unattuned raid drops so that people have something to grind for. The simple complete content and go buy the highest gear is silly and does not allow top tier players to show off their rewards.

    That's my 2 cents!! I apologize in advance for the long post.
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  15. Pumped New Player

    I believe with my suggestion players will be able to progress at their own pace & be fully geared to beat the expert when they are. The raids wouldnt be considered hard anymore because "EVERY" player had the chance to progress & be at the gear level to beat it.

    Best regards!
  16. IIJetfire New Player

    Bumper!!!!!! ( why are there bumps in gotham discussion threads, that's stupid, get it locked!! jk ):eek::D
  17. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    I agree with everything except the last paragraph 1 because dcuo haven't been doin the highest gear in the raids and when they did it was abused by the players. Every third raid in dcuo has always been exploited but what brought wave to the attn. to all was alot of players got the best gear by glitching it, like I said in another thread I had a group of friends who were beating wave 5-10 a week up intill FFXIV dropped and had 2-4 pink pieces at the most and when other players figured out the wave glitch they had 2-6 pink pieces over a shorter period of time
  18. Voltage Source New Player

    I want to disagree because that means I have to re-mod my gear if I want to get to different levels of raids. Not everyone can afford to mod. Yes you can hunt for exobytes, but I don't particularly like the idea of doing it 3 times for one tier.... Modding is important, I'm not stupid. But if this trend continues you will have very little players playing in the top tiers. It will be good for the top players because everyone there has the dedication and probably the skill, but what about the casual players? It takes 10 hours to farm 10 mods T5 in bytes. If we're talking casual, you can only play for 4 hours a week, you'd like to do the content. You can't be expected to just spend 3 weeks farming exobytes. It will make you lose interest, and it seems rather unreasonable to farm those mods over the course of 10 weeks. That player will be stuck in a relatively same CR tier as other players for a grossly long time.

    I agree there is a problem with the average player skill level. I agree that would solve problem for higher tiered players, or dedicated players, but the game still has to be accessible to average players. If you jump into WoW or MapleStory right now, the learning curve, the gearing curve is so high end-game. Sure it's easier to level up and you get nice quest gear which older players weren't fortunate enough to have, but the barrier is so high. In MapleStory a player can make millions within a few hours of farming and grinding. To properly gear takes tens of billions. If DCUO turns into that, it will literally be a less interesting grind because you'll be farming exobytes.

    How do you propose a T4 player (CR79 full T4 unmodded) get to raid in T6?

    96 Exobytes (8 mods) T5 = 1st mod = CR 83

    150 Exobytes (10 mods) T6 = 2nd mod = CR97 (modding atlantean)

    180 Exobytes (10 mods) T6 initial raid = 3rd mod = CR 92 gear + mods (face it, the community won't take an unmodded CR 92 T6 player into a raid)

    180 Exobytes (10 mods) T6 novice raid = 4th mod = CR 93 gear + mods

    180 Exobytes (10 mods) T6 exp raid = 5th mod = CR 95 gear + mods

    Yes you can recover some exobytes with recovery kits, but that's still PVP farming, PVE farming, or brokering to procure the funds to recover some exobytes. And you will still have to farm for bytes to make the difference.
  19. PaperGirl New Player

    Don't you have a keyboard ?

    IN this case you can block , or roll left/right no ?

    So what's the problem ?
  20. PaperGirl New Player

    Oh man you will affraid all the players .

    They cannot roll left/right , and they don't accept that a boss can kill them .

    THis is lost cause , people have all the tools needed , everything (Youtube/Tutoriels/Friends/forum/gear/mods/home Turf) , and they still do Paradox in 3 hours with 0 side-boss , while a competent group finish Odyssey feat in 15mn.

    No really , no worries , Soe will create some easy boring Raids soon , the raids that will make many Players leave the game .

    You know those raids where a Tank is useless. (95% Of Dcuo raids)