My Rage Tank

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by JasonPrimeX23, May 21, 2014.

  1. JasonPrimeX23 New Player

    Ok I started to tank yesterday I have 150sp, 91 and 90 gear, and my dom is at 2240. I have tanked Dox(epic odd feat) , T6 alert, nexus and A&B all on my first try and completed it with out dying or crashing. Now I still am a bit new to the whole tanking system so can any tanks give me any pointers on Rage Tanking. Thank you :)
  2. JasonPrimeX23 New Player

    oh and also a pvp loadout for tanking as well
  3. JessTier New Player

    pointer.... dont die... dont let anyone else die either... tank rule 1 :p
  4. JasonPrimeX23 New Player