My Proposal

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Master Play, Jan 27, 2015.

  1. chipzes Committed Player

    I'm all for more open world PvP, but it seems to me like the devs intentionally did everything they could to kill off the PvP events by adding lockouts, having the feats require the mission, letting the rewards sit at 1 lousy mark which is (in the case of MoV) worth nothing at all and having the winner vendors sell the same crap that we can already get in our HQs instead of something exclusive to these events.
    Oh, and they removed PvP rocks :(
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  2. Apocblessed New Player

    I agree with this fully
  3. Minnion Devoted Player

    Going to interject here... We've identified the biggest barrier between new players joining the PvP community: The Stat gap between newbies and vets.(or to put it simply, the finish line gets farther and farther away from the start and new guys are joining the race all the time.)

    With that problem stated I really don't think that it's too late to solve the problem. The trick is to solve it without upsetting those who want to keep the sense of progression... So what I propose is simple: Take advantage of the PvP sessions to steadily decrease the stat gap between top tier and starting PvP gear.

    Shift the focus of gear buffs between tiers from damage potential to survivability.
    • The goal of this: End game players should not be able to kill new players any faster than new players can kill new players.
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  4. Minnion Devoted Player

    Now for a new PvP mode idea: Free for all arena!
    How would it work?
    • There are no teams in free for all, it's you vs. everyone else in the instance.(as in a four man free for all would be 1vs1vs1vs1 or 8man 1vs1vs1vs1vs1vs1vs1vs1 chaos)
    • One objective type would be capture the power-up(As in there is an artifact weapon or something that gives the one holding it a massive edge in the fight, but there is only one, and everyone will be fighting over it as the one holding it drops the powerup when they get KOed...)
    • King of the hill Just imagine a Nexus King of the hill map where everyone is making a mad dash for the center to capture the point... It would be like shadowlands but with Paradox entities attacking the one who holds the point long enough.
    • Race: Every man for himself PvP race where the first one to make it through all the checkpoints wins!(When you get KOed you re-spawn at the last checkpoint you touched.) There may or may not be turret nodes that can be activated along the way...
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  5. DarkChaosReign New Player

    Whoever BB spams the most wins. :p

    Seriously though, this looks great on paper. No idea how it would run though.
  6. Minnion Devoted Player

    Well that's why we have a test server right? :D
  7. Master Play Committed Player

    Oh man, free for all in this game would be awesome. Don't know how they will go about creating more than one team though. If they do however find a way, and free for all matches come into play, that could open the possibility to 2vs2vs2vs2s or 3vs3vs3vs3vs etc.
  8. Minnion Devoted Player

    Theoretically it shouldn't be that hard... With a bit of communication we can probably get a four man free for all fight going already...(It involves two villains dueling and two heroes dueling in the same area in PvP phase... Assuming that heroes can still attack villains while involved in separate duels.)
  9. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    They should be able to attack each other. I think the most that we should have if we're doing a free for all is a 1v1v1. The more people you add in the more it's going to encourage standing off to the side waiting to swoop in and get the kill last second.
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  10. btoom New Player

    The devs hate pvp they are not giving any thought to it and that part of the reason alot of good guys left they need to make more powers pvp friendly and ******* nerf wolf form its absurd.
  11. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Certain developers definitely do care. DevDirt has been a god send when it comes to getting performance issues fixed as of late.
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  12. ThunderlesStorm New Player

    They could do it in a place like oan sciencells. That would be so fun!
  13. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    PvP is free content so it makes sense not to spend too much time or resources on it given that the amount of players that pvp is so small.
  14. Master Play Committed Player

    Bumping this up - I feel more ideas should be discussed even though PvP season 4 is around 6 months away if the same schedule is used.
  15. Pults Loyal Player

    I feel like disabling each powers AM and all weapon masteries would make the whole process of pvping smoother and more Legends-like, meaning it would be more competitive and fair towards each powerset.
    Blockbreaking and lunging on blocks should throw the player away instead of knocking down.
    Vulnerability windows should start faster and last shorter, why? Because it's often out of sync, I have lunged on blocks numerous times and succsessully broke through it, leaving my prey on the ground.
    Or make blockbreaks deal no damage on blocks but still knock down or throw away the target.
    Also with weapons like brawling and martial arts a player can quickly squeeze in his combos a blockbreak, a quick fix would be disabling (after melee combos) first blockbreaks effectivness for 1 second.
    If a player is engaged in a melee combat his blocks can't be broken by any player further than 12,5m. This would be beneficial to legends and arenas since alot of flying toons prefer to just spam ranged combos while being high in the air. For an acro or speedster this is a huge drawback since we can't really scout out the environment for any air strikes.
  16. Brother Allen Loyal Player

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  17. Master Play Committed Player