My Official Apology To Premium DLC Owners / Our Next Move

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by PhoenixTanker, Apr 10, 2014.

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  1. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    C'mon now, you know exactly what I'm going to say and you know exactly what I'm going to say..... :D

    I'm a man of my word and I've always said I think it's wrong for them to charge over the wallet cap in paid for content. I said it then and I've said it now.... Nothing's going to change that. At least we both stick by what we're always saying and not flip-flopping.

    What's your take on my one suggestion of making it a triple denomination purchase? Would that still equate to premiums being able to buy everything in the paid content, but having options to use escrow if wanted/needed?

    Pricing like so:

    $2,300 and 60 MoF OR $1,300, 1,000 MoT, and 60 MoF.

    Make it so that a single MoT is equal to a dollar or they could even make it higher considering all the MoT that will be dropping in T5 instances.
  2. winter13 New Player

    Premium players have the choice of purchasing two pieces of armor that are one item level higher than the alert drops and a weapon via escrow token. That is what we are really talking about here - not an entire set of gear, not gear that is needed for progression, and no one is being forced to buy the gear or become is all a matter of choice.
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  3. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    That was I, but I never passed comment on your spending habits. I was merely pointing out to Fruity who has issues with Premium players who "pay for content once and get to play it for the life of the game at no extra charge" that lifers do the exact same thing. He didn't, of course. Don't kill him.

    Of course, it was foolish of me to do so, as I know how OS the lifers are when anyone dare mention their access level without praising their bravery of investing a relatively small amount when the game was in it's infancy :p
  4. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    We have NO idea if it sells well or not.... What if it sells like crazy and that's why they see no problem pricing gear over the wallet cap?

    If they did raise the cap with this DLC purchase I'm guessing it would be $500 to make it just clear the $2300 price of the gear.
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  5. Green Lantern New Player

    Mark my words, in one year's time this game will be where it was right before F2P started.
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  6. Feenicks New Player

    $400 on a game that was new with no guarantee if it would pan out was a serious consideration! It also was a very VERY noticable dent in our house budget! I would't call it a small ammount!
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  7. crownclownking New Player

    you are right we have no idea but they did try to do this with hometurf and there was a backslashed too, If anything they are doing this cause like one of the devs said price go up in an mmo or something so as we go up in tiers so is the price for them (cash wise) to purchase them. I think they should just increase escrow based on dlcs purchases like many ppl have suggested. The whole i''l unsub if they increase it argument goes out the window cause all acces pass thing their doing on the pc side. But it is entertaining seeing all the post about it lol. For me personally i dont care cause alert gear is more then enough for me, considering the tier gear is only an item lvl higher from what ppl have said.
  8. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    Lol about the "small amount" it was a huge commitment since both my husband and I got one. That's close to $500 at one time.

    Does it suck that it wasn't open to everyone? Most defiantly. But, I'm not going to feel bad about making a decision that paid off for me.

    Was it worth it? Defiantly, I would never argue that. But, since I'm not paying a sub, there are other things that I've been able to use spend my money on so that I don't feel like a leech to the game.

    EDIT: that $500 is after the collector's edition my husband bought via pre-order, four months of sub from him and two from me. So pft "small amount"
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  9. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    I know they tried it with hometurf, and I was against them doing it then too. It is a fact of life that the tiers will keep going up and they're going to have to find what they feel is a happy medium.

    I wouldn't be opposed to an increase in the cap per DLC purchased provided it's not a huge increase. $500 per DLC would be the highest I would be okay with. If you start talking $1k per DLC then you could buy all the EI's and everything you wanted and I would stop subbing for that.....

    The "i'll unsub" argument doesn't go out the window because of the all access thing UNTIL the all access thing applies to ALL platforms.
  10. Franchise New Player

    as I mentioned in a previous thread:

    "be realistic about what you all are saying. yall havent noticed that the price increases on each tier of vendor gear? of course it will increase, you expect vendor gear to stay at 2k from t6, t7, t8 to whatever?"
  11. Prodigy Progeny Dedicated Player

  12. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    yea the choice was either sub or premium which is pay for what you want not... over time get less and less for your money and not be able to play with out subbing..
    whith the payment model they went with you can either rent your content with everything or buy what you want and the things you want. the problem with this is its not truly what they did as they gave no way for the pay as you want model to grow as the game grew
  13. Fruity Reaper New Player

    Haha yes I do dear boy, does a subscription to netflix grow exponentially with every video they add to their collection?
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  14. Roland Deschain New Player

    why, pls don't hurt yourself
    this time is 3 pieces, next time 5 and the next the whole equip
    this time is 1 item level higher, next is 5, and over a year the gap will be 30

    this is setting a first, if we let this pass the thing will simply get out of hand and become a rule

    we want in or out, you want to keep cash cap and take even 1 piece of armor above 2k? fine i leave
    because this time is 1 piece, next is 5 and the latter is the whole equip
    give it a year and the 1k escrow won't be enough anymore, you'll need the other one and so on

    if they want to keep premium in game, all of them i mean, then set a fixed price for equip like 2k from here on, every piece costs 2k and marks, no point in raising the price since $ are quite easy to come by or simply scale the premium cash cap with the cost of armor/number of dlc

    oh and if any mean the next set gets in game as a game update, we are premium not dumb, i will leave anyway :)
  15. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    no you are dead wrong they offered something they arent delivering on they stated when premium started that you could go either route pay for the things you want and play or sub for everything plus perks the problem lies were there is no way for a premium member ship to grow as money is spent so you are basically a more versital demo which wasnt the selling point for the change it was suposed to be another method to play long term.
  16. crownclownking New Player

    well if you unsub from dcuo cause of a cash increase then idk what to tell you cause imo its pretty dumb considering legendary has other values and if you are on the pc your dcuo legendary is gonna become an all access pass that gets you acces to like 5 mmo's .
  17. Bast10n Committed Player

    If there is going to be an increase to the cash cap it should not be attached to DLCs in any way. It should be a completely independent purchase.

    Premium is an ad hoc access level to the game. There is already a market place item (a la cart) for everything that a subscription offers.
    It appears many take exception to the way Escrow tokens function. As to not Deminish the value of a subscription then the cost of a cash cap raise needs to be significant.
  18. Fruity Reaper New Player

    I believe I am more than capable of explaining my thoughts without translation, perhaps some of my posts have subtext but the one you are referencing could not be clearer, lifetimes are a separate entity, a one off offer usually (but not always) at the end of a beta period so to use them as an argument for equality of membership is folly at best.

    Please stick to using the two regularly available memberships when drawing comparisons of parity otherwise your argument is rendered moot.
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  19. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    I mean, I'm still Legendary from when I signed up in January and don't plan on cancelling any time soon (providing the devs do the right thing) so none of these complaints even apply to me but I'll damn sure defend every single Premium player who is willing to spend money on this DLC because it still pisses me off so much the way Premiums and R&D is handled.

    Income is income. It shouldn't be categorised into good and bad income. They should just be happy that they've been able to sell something they've created. I already get a **** ton of goods and perks for my weak £6.66 (or whatever it is) per month contribution. I shouldn't be above anyone else who chooses to purchase the standalone DLC.

    I have no issues at all with your idea. It's viable and the end-result is the same as increasing the cash cap or whatever. That end result being people who have paid for the content get to use all of the content. I would say though, that I'm more a "one solution to fix many problems" kinda guy and the 3 denominations solution doesn't really factor in the inevitable repair cost boost that'll come from this gear and gear in future T6 DLCs...

    ...Or *cough cough* R&D ;)... no, not today :p
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  20. GeoShock New Player

    How is paying to get a DLC 'renting' it? They pay to have it and if they pay it is only fair to have full access to what they paid for.
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