My dcuo toons were deleted after someone hacked my PS4

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Infinite Onefunk, Jun 3, 2016.

  1. Infinite Onefunk Active Player

    Apologies, not sure where to post this. Someone hacked my ps4 and deleted my main character and most of my alts. What can I do to fix this? Anything?
  2. Celestial Demon Dedicated Player

    From what I recall, your characters are saved to server rather than your console. Your only bet though is to talk to support (no matter how bad) and hope they'll restore it otherwise, have fun crawling back up the ladder.
  3. Jcal Dedicated Player

    You can restore characters that have been deleted within 90 days. You'll need to buy some Character Restore tokens from the Marketplace. You can google or ask around for more information.
  4. Proxystar #Perception

    You have to buy character restore tokens and then use them I think they're $10 each
  5. Infinite Onefunk Active Player

    Thank goodness for character restore. That person still cost me money though. I'll have to see if there is anything legal I could do
  6. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    be more careful with your account for starters?
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  7. DarkLadyAthena Dedicated Player

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but I don't think there is anything you can do. What kind of "legal action" are you talking about? Cops? They aren't going to do anything. Hire a lawyer? First of all, you would need some sort of evidence to stand a chance, and I don't know what that evidence would be in this case. Second, hiring a lawyer would cost way more than a few restore tokens. Third, this isn't much of a case to begin with. All in all, I'd say get a restore token for your favorite character(s), or consider making them from scratch.
  8. IIThe QuestionII Loyal Player

    Well, you could also have filed a ticket explaining the situation, it's a far shot, but a shot nevertheless, i'd change my password though, if its PS4 it's more likely that the pw was found than a proper hack.
  9. iClip Committed Player

    Submit a ticket and when everything gets fixed, surround your PS4 with tin-foil
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  10. megamanzero Loyal Player

    you can try sueing sony for terrible security and customer support. they dont have any methods set for securing your account. like i could call them be all hey im locked out of my account can u reset the email and pwd for me and theyd do it w o any verification
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  11. JohnDC New Player

    Never, never, never GAME SHARE! first off.

    Someone once asked me to game share and I told him where he can go.

    I don't know if you did this but its still a valid warning.

    change your password to something long, and don't share any info no matter if they are family.

    Good luck.
  12. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    o_O You were on your toon yesterday Zill? And you can restore deleted characters within 90 days after they were deleted. It'll cost you though.
  13. the solowing Unwavering Player

    The problem is sony has god aweful verification for account if they get hacked, but at the same time unless its another dcuo player and you can see the IP address of where they checked in at the time of the suspected breach, and cross check that with a IP matching on another account and then flag said account. I dont understand why somebody who doesnt play DCUO would go through the trouble of downloading it JUST to delete your characters that they WOULDNT know about...Unless you're trying to get a free recovery...
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  14. Gimpy Loyal Player

    You have a little brother that has a grudge for something you have done to them??? LoL
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  15. it_was_Friday Dedicated Player

    We don't have details. It is entirely possible the victim knows the perpetrator. It could then be reported to the police with the complainant requesting to press charges. Vandalism comes to mind, and so does criminal mischief. This will vary state to state. It's even possible cybercrimes were committed, which would likely impose a higher penalty?
  16. Emoney Dedicated Player

    A lot of what's happening is not hacking.....its more like phishing, scamming and luck. These guys will call PSN and claim to be you. Now....PSN generally only needs your email address to confirm identity. SO.....if you have an email/password that shares the same characters as your account/toon....congratulations you made it easy for the thief.

    Toons name is SuperBob
    PSN account SuperBob
    Email is SuperBob@whicheveremailcompany
    Some even use the same name for a password.

    If this is you now....CHANGE YOUR EMAIL/PASSWORD

    Dont make it easy for them.

    They will call PSN repeatedly trying different combinations, if they get lucky, you are screwed....and both Sony and Daybreak will point fingers at each other and you will still have to pay to get stuff back or start over.
  17. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    Misuse of the word "hacked".

    And a metric shitton of assumptions.
  18. Gucciana Committed Player

    its not haacking when someone scams you for your account when you tried to sell it!
  19. Infinite Onefunk Active Player

    To the one or 2 helpful posters, I thank you.