Up-Votes Needed My character is broken.

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by Wu Deciple, May 3, 2022.

  1. Wu Deciple New Player

    Soooo my cr is 374 sp a little shabby but its 470. Fire dps only. 200 clarion amulet & working on tetra. Anyway a 365cr out dps me by a crazy num in reg new raid. Hoowwwww?? I spend bread on here from badges capsules arts seals etc to be humiliated. EMOTIONAL DAMAGE!!! I emailed daybreak & a guy named Dunbar gave me this link & said post. Im like wtf no fix. So here's my post. Idk know u guys personally but umm Devs & Mepps need to pull up.
  2. Wu Deciple New Player

    This is in regards to my ps4 account. EvilOlHead on the villain side. theBADGUYSunion
  3. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Ok so CR doesn't mean much anymore since 2017 and it's difficult to tell what the real issue is with no other information about the other person. I will say your artifact choices are not optimal for competitive DPS: Clarion is mainly for healing and Tetrahedron boosts everyone's Might (not just you).

    Other than Skill Points, equipment and artifacts there are multiple ways to increase your DPS: optimal loadouts, stat enhancing trinkets and consumables, Supply Drops give a damage boost, Tier 3 combat pets, Orbital Strikes, League Proficiencies, Generator Mods, Tactical Mods, maxed Augments, etc. There are many methods to the top of the board.
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  4. OneWhoLaughed Committed Player

    Your main problem is your artifacts. They're extremely poor choices to use together.

    Start with getting rid of the clarion full stop in your DPS builds. If you are running with tetra & lernea's amulet, you're likely might-based DPS, stick to that. Clarion is based off precision & restoration stats. The clarion isn't a bad artifact for tanks, but is not BiS by any means.

    Artifacts that are useful to you (might-based Fire DPS); solar amplifier, transformation card, strategist card.

    Otherwise, this is a bug thread, being beaten in DPS is not a bug.
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  5. PickArole Well-Known Player

    The guys above said it. Arts and loadout make a huge difference! I'm a 373 fire with just under 250 sp and I can eat mis eqquiped dps with all 3 arts at 250. Arts and SP "help" you get better damage, knowledge and loadout is your toon.
  6. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    You can't have arts at 250.