Music in Player Bases

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by AudMike, Feb 22, 2013.

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  1. Drift Hazard Dedicated Player

    Or a Jukebox option in the Control Panel. Go get some unlockable music too.
  2. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    I got curious due to this thread and turned the music back on again. I like the gothic one a lot, but it is really feels too short and not loud enough compared to the other pieces in the game. The eastern one sounds so exotic which is really nice.

    I was at Ace-chemicals with my villain. That soundtrack there is awessome! Steelworks has a nice atmosphere too.
  3. DCUO Anon New Player

    AudMike. I have purchased all but the Tech theme to date. I have experienced most of the ambiance you devs intended to be experienced. I appreciate the intro music for all I have purchased.
    Currently inhabit an Industrial, Cave, Deco, Dive (in order of time spent)
    Enjoy the intro to all but find these, in order to be the least redundant meaning most enjoyable:

    Eastern (caveat)

    The Cave has a nice loop of water dripping sounds and the mainframe and generator ambient sounds are palatable, and fit the theme.

    The Dive has a soothing street loop and the mainframe and generator ambient sounds are smoothly diminished when one's toon is not directly in front of them.

    The Deco has no loop and the mainframe and generator ambient sounds are mildly annoying in the alcoves where one might place an amenity.

    The Industrial has no loop and the mainframe and generator ambient sounds are fitting, yet bleed as like most PAID Themes into and around alcoves, and the Y axis. Ie generator basement level can be heard going thru corridor directly above.

    The Gothic has an inspiring awe and the mainframe and generator ambient sounds fit the theme.

    The Bunker has no loop, and the mainframe and generator ambient sounds fit. When placed, did not like the RnD/Bank ambient sounds thus I relocated. I don't know why these amenities have been assigned ambient sounds yet in the Bunker it was the deciding factor to move.

    The Eastern has no loop, yet has buzzing sound in all alcoves. The mainframe and generator ambient sounds formed my personal "Real Estate Agent" Bounty Mission work in progress.

    The Ancient left no impression I can recall. I did not place all amenities. Light, color, smell, were my reasons for not inhabiting theme.

    My wish as a SuperPayingHero is to experience NO alcove, Y axis bleed, and no Amenity hums, or at least a cool trinket called Squelch Knob.
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  4. Bloodartist New Player

    This would be awesome. Granted, people can use an out-of-game application for musicplaying also, but then I'd like to have some of the DCUO music in downloadable form.

    I love the music (villain side?) when you are near ACE chemicals these days. I would want that to play in my base on a permanent loop.
  5. Skynin New Player

    Really like music intro, but why it must be just intro? Want to have option for listening this music always when i'm there (in my lair)
  6. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Any updates from AudMike on possible upcoming changes?

    Also, will y'all ever get the audio for suicidal npcs fixed so they finish what they're saying, and sync Lex and Superman talking in FOS, and better syncing in general? This is not a complaint; it's a genuine question as to whether this will ever be gotten around to. Not crucial stuff, admittedly, but kinda annoying each and every time.
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  7. AudMike New Player

    I'll respond to the questions about player base music. If I respond to the other issues here, this will become an 'all things audio' thread and I want to try and keep it focused.

    With regard to having the player base music loop instead of fade out after 30 seconds or so, the pieces that are currently in the bases are too short and would get pretty repetitive after a few minutes. The design was to have the music function the same way music does in hero police stations, the Watchtower, and the Hall of Doom. Upon zoning into these locations, you hear a short piece of music to establish location and then it fades out. Since players could spend a long time in these locations, we didn't want to have something that would drone on and get annoying for players while taking care of business with vendors, brokers, decorator mode, etc.

    Villain safehouse music breaks from this design a bit because ... well, they're nightclubs. For those of you who have been playing since launch, you may remember that initially we had just one piece of music that played in all of the nightclubs.

    That said, we can certainly look at expanding on the existing music to make longer tracks that could loop and persist or perhaps a playlist of several tracks that would cycle through in player bases. It's something we'll need to add to our 'to do' list and prioritize the way we did with the variations for the villain nightclub music.

    With regard to jukeboxes that would allow players to customize their base music, as I mentioned in a previous reply, it's something that we've talked about and that we're evaluating. I'm glad to see that it's something players want as well. Since it would require new functionality, it's a feature that we have to weigh against other feature requests and upcoming content.
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  8. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    Thanks for the response AudMike :) I am really looking forward to something like that. Like i said before i enjoy the game's music immensely and would love to hear more of it in my base. Plus just imagining the RP possibilities and how music can enhance them makes me smile alot :)

    That said, take your time, work on whatever else you guys feel is necessary and if/when you come around to this, you'll have many happy campers :D
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  9. Aiden Warren New Player

    we do want music. a Juke box.
    so it can be a Base Amentity Juke Box, or a rare drop as a Jukebox.
    but the jukebox wont have music in it yet.

    Base Control Panel
    Enter Decoration Mode
    New Option "Customize Music"
    If a player didn't get a jukebox drop it will say "You need a Jukebox"

    now here's the idea to get a list of music.
    A Scroll looking icon Base Item for music? rare drops in Instances.

    Like example
    "Music Name" of all different music, or to help players recognize what the music is
    Burnley Night Club Music
    Bohemia Night Club Music
    and etc,

    How ever you devs decide to name the music items

    In the Base Tab, the Jukebox will be there but Greyed Out. so this way all music items we get will be placed in the Jukebox.
    as to know we have music in the jukebox, as to all items it will be
    (5) Base Item Name

    as for Juke Box
    (2) Joke Box , letting us know we have 2 music items in the jukebox

    also, once we already have the jukebox and music item.
    we will get the message "you already have this "item" so we can place it in the base tab list.

    and to allow Jukebox be tradable and music items tradable will make them high marketing values
    but make the drops rare, but not too rare, where it wont drop after using replay badges for an instance 5 times in a row
    but how ever rare for each instance is up to you devs
    expect the jukebox to be 5mil+
    and music items also
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