Munitions and gadgets nerf when?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Offline, Jun 14, 2023.

  1. Hollow Gohan Well-Known Player

    You should post the Nature w/ Ivy parses next :rolleyes:
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  2. AshocusTheMuse Well-Known Player

    Same. I'm a flight, Nature toon. My DPS artifacts are only around the 100 mark, I don't Art-swap... and I mainly play Healer, but when I DO play as DPS, I'm usually near the top. Sounds more like a skill issue rather than a power issue to me.


    On a personal note, I personally don't care about the numbers, I am there to play the content and have fun. As long as the burn is steady, and no-one is trying to speedhack or something silly like that, I'm content to just let things be. If someone art-swaps... more power to them, that's a skill I have not mastered, (nor wish too lol) as it take some serious talent to do right. If someone wants to be Gadgets or Munitions... again... more power to them... I used to play a gadgets toon and that powerset is an ARTFORM to master... seriously watching someone play that powerset well can be awe-inspiring, especially if they go full buff-troll. My ONLY beef with things currently is how superspeed powers are a bit too powerful (clipping utility) compared to other movement types. the actual movement set itself is personal preference. (but that's a WHOLE other conversation which I've already talked about in other threads)
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  3. Trykz Dedicated Player

    Any powerset and I’ll always be top 8.
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  4. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    how about you step up your game and make your power do well?

    while both of those are strong so are most of the powers in the right hands. the skill lvl of the player is more a factor than the power its self
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  5. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    Another one? Don't believe everything you read in LFG about powers. Second, if someone is running mini-nuke on single target, they are doing it wrong, third if mini-nuke hits for's because they are seriously buffed, fourth 50 Cal's long animation isn't worth the damage output.
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  6. gamma 9 Active Player

    I agree no nerf needed im munitions and dispite my best efforts ice, rage, ELECTRIC, (might) based out dps's me water is there also, annnnd Atomic annd NATURE actually...its prob your artifact combo, ally,SP, generator, loadout And rotation, position something..keep tweeking your toon bro youll hit gold
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  7. MightyHornet Well-Known Player

    Mmmm yes and no. movement mode and prec is where there is a massive unbalance.
  8. OneWhoLaughed Committed Player

    I specifically said base powersets. And even then, after Ebon's and EoG change, might is superior.
  9. Xibo Loyal Player

    Fine, now try to do the same parses with skimming.
  10. Tolly Committed Player

    I think that what needs to be nerf at the moment is electric and precision players, who are far too powerful at the moment compared to might players, and far too easy!
  11. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    What is your power? Set up? Dps?
  12. Tolly Committed Player

    Green lantern might !
  13. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    And what is your set up and you dps on St and AoE?

    HL can keep up and beat prec. So if you’re having that big of an issue then there is something off about your set up.
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  14. Tros Well-Known Player

  15. Tomazo Level 30

    Gadgets is completely broken in the right hands.

    Electricity & Munitions are ''a little bit'' stronger than the rest of the dps powers , but still miles below the broken gadgets.

    Thats it in a nutshell , everybody knows it ....devs don't care , making topics about it seems useless .. its their last priority . They do not realize that pay2win model and having unbalanced powers is going to drastically reduce the amount of people playing the game ....if i owned the game , i would delete everything non cosmetic from the webshop , fix pvp , balance the powers ...and to compensate , i will make the game pay2play ...i will be 10x times richer and the game will be 10x times better.
  16. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

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  17. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Funny Story, True Story: The game launched in 2011 as Pay2Play. It changed to Free To Play out of necessity, because that's the business model all of these games have moved to. Star Wars: The Old Republic, Star Trek Online, Neverwinter, and various other MMORPGs all went to Free To Play with a Premium Subscription Option as their business model. DCUO is just "keeping up with the Joneses" as the saying goes.

    Luckily for all of us, you DON'T own the game, because YOU would kill it deader than Kentucky Fried Chicken with your ideas, as the entire player base would all leave after their current subscriptions expired, and they'd go play other games! :p
  18. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    See, here's the thing: Elite Content is for players at an ELITE SKILL LEVEL! It's NOT content for people that haven't invested the time and effort into the game that is necessary to "Git Gud" as the Kool Kidz say. You HAVE to be at End Game Levels AND have your character fully and properly specced & equipped, AND you HAVE to know how to play your character's role correctly in order to run that content, or else the enemies are going to drop you like a bad habit!

    So, you can either take the advice you've been given by players that are trying to help you get there, OR you can just stay out of Elite Content, as you currently have no business running it anyway. The final choice is yours.
  19. ScorchedFortress Level 30

    I agree with you about rages sc. but no gadgets is ridiculous bc almost every power you use is super clippy and can crank off those crits. It’s not about how hard a power hits, it’s about how fast they can and gadgets is as broken as super speed atm. Oh wait. Those two together are beyond broken lol.
  20. lamourboy001 Well-Known Player

    None of the powers is supposed to hit average 360-410k on 3, or 210-230k/s on 1 in basic loadouts right now. Doesn't matter it's melee, half melee or ramge. It's not skill, it's an exploit. Or call it unbalance or whatever.
    On top of that, same people that use these glitched powers or weapons complaining about elite + is too easy because of fastburn.
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