Multiple visual bugs

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Spiros78, Jun 21, 2019.

  1. Spiros78 New Player

    The first one, has to do with the vendors item preview in Central city, where everything shows as black. After making a short test, i saw that it also happens while opening my inventory as well, but only for items i do not own. Idk if this is PC only bug, but i'd like to know if it extends to consoles too is graphic card issue (amd-nvidia specific). I use AMD, so if someone with Nvidia sees the same or not, it would be nice to know.


    The second, has to do with the loot window. The system notifies u that u need to press key, but the window simply will not open. No matter if u open to an irrelevant window like inv or on duty or journal, it won't unstuck, and the only way to open it, is to teleport anywhere.


    Third and last, which happens very often, during JLD pub and stays there until u abandon the map, is the pic below, that occurs during the fight with that annoying cat, and only if u decide to indeed press button when it shows, which after few clicks, will just stay there.
