MTCe - Too easy

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BƖack, Apr 22, 2023.

  1. BƖack Dedicated Player

    From my experience the alert ''Meta-Therapy Clinic Elite'' is too easy. :confused: You can easily run it without healer.

    The Duo ''Abandoned Subway Elite'' is more challenging then the alert IMO.

    Haven't tried yet raid '' The Terrorium Elite''. So can't tell how is it but i tried The Terrorium Normal and it is easy too.

    Overall i'm sorry but I'm disappointed with this new Episode. In the alert and the raid i expected a bit more challenge.:oops:
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  2. RTX Well-Known Player

    The challenge you seek, should come with Elite Plus.
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  3. Limey Committed Player

    Let's wait until after gemini changes to complain about difficulty.
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  4. Operation Failure Well-Known Player

    Sins of black adam alert was definitely more challenging than this one. It feels like reg difficulty.
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  5. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    This complaint has nothing to do with EoG.
  6. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    The raid seems quite challenging considering E+ will launch some time later.
    If you compare it to the low bar of RoE and NuE, its decent. The map design may not be the pinnacle of game design, but thats all i can complain about in its current state.
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  7. LeagueOfV Dedicated Player

    Haven’t tried the elite alert yet. Duo is tough due to lots of environmental 1 shots, but so far fine with a healer. Probably 2 dps when everyone gets their episode augments leveled.

    Elite raid much tougher than NU elite with 1 tank. I’ve heard people say it’s easier with 2 tanks, but no one wants to do that. I guess it makes the raid more fun for the solo tank?
  8. Arwen Skywalker Loyal Player

    ah yes, elite plus and another open world bounty in a couple of weeks time, the artificial extenders of current dcuo.
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  9. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    There's just nothing to it. The only way a dps could die in this place is by going full self destruct with berserk or something. People are glitching out Parasite on the pillar too. It's by far... the easiest alert ever released.
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  10. spikeat Well-Known Player

    It's the new direction the devs are taking the game. There were too many bad players in the game that weren't able to obtain elite gear. Elite is now the new reg in order to make elite gear more accessible to the mass population.

    Elite Duo - I can practically solo dps it sitting at CR400
    Elite Alert - I pull all the adds on the sub floor to one big room just to make it interesting.
    Elite Raid - Once you have the mechanics down, it's a quick run. The difficulty here is set by the players in the group as they can make it more difficult to complete.

    By the time elite plus is released, I'll be fully geared and taking a break while waiting for the next episode.
  11. spikeat Well-Known Player

    Why would any group bother to glitch him? Parasite is the easiest boss in this dlc.
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  12. BƖack Dedicated Player

    True lol
  13. BƖack Dedicated Player

    I hope so :D
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  14. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    It's not really a complaint on my end, but yes I did notice a large curve from the previous episode.

    Were people complaining that GEPE was too hard or something?
  15. Pr0tojay Committed Player

    You can run 3 dps and 1 tank in this so called elite alert. That is what I do, and it usually is a 10 min run if you skip the adds too.
  16. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    I just saw this tonight, on Normal. I was wondering why we never got the notification to take the battery to Static. The I realized that when the tank dragged parasite behind the pillar, none of the mechanics started up. When we fought Major Force, we still had to lunge him, but never got the prompt to activate the terminal. Is that another bug?
  17. Korlick Loyal Player

    If you dont get the option to activate the terminal on the wall, it means that the group failed the lunges (think its atleast 4 lunges). But if you all lunged correctly, maybe it was bugged
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  18. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yep, first week and people are already skipping mechanics, not running roles and blowing past adds to get the fastest faceroll runs. Yet some of the same people are the ones saying 'we need mechanics, roles and to kill the adds in old content so we can't just faceroll', oh the irony of it all.:rolleyes:

    And where do we learn our bad gameplay habits? Oh yeah....FOS2 and similar....not endgame.
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  19. BO PERRY_CRS Well-Known Player

    Too easy? What's your CR? I ran the raid for the first time yesterday with a CR 412 who kept saying the same thing, yet everyone else was under CR 400 except for myself. CR 403
  20. zNot Loyal Player

    For me i prefer easyier elite alerts cause we run it daily no need it for it to be 30min but if we want challenge that should be in the raid.
    But the content design is really lacking at the moment we shouldnt be allowed to skipping and experience content the way its intented
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