Hey Guys, so I purchased a Movement Respec token a while ago because I was convinced that I didn't like Acrobatics. was really looking into SS, but my only gripes with it, is long distance travel (which flight excels in) . which is why I settled on acrobatics, best of both worlds (good indoor speed and outdoor speed). but now with the addition of teleporters and mods, it seems like my gripe with the long distance travel with SS is not an issue anymore. another thing that concerns me about SS, is farming ability. its very convenient to glide and zip line around looking for bits, but I can imagine that SS is the worst of the 3 for doing this. now, I don't NEED to change movements, but the fact that I have the token, leaves me very tempted. can someone please give me a pro/con for the movements with personal experience? plus and minus of their respective movement tree moves? how do they help and hinder in battle? trying to escape battle? etc. (for example, I hate how slow flight is when you get hit and are trying to run away, but at the same time, flight is the most convenient for just skipping past parts of missions) Thanks in advanced, and sorry if this was posted numerous times already.
Play the vault every day and if you are lucky you can get one of the items than changes your movement mode. I have a flyer that has the Joker Jetpack. I may change him into SS or arobatic; depending what will drop next. My villian has all three movement iconic drops from the vault and yet I don't use him barely. Where as my main toon has not received any of the epic drops that change your movement when equiped.
I wouldn't count on vault drops for much of anything honestly. The best way to try things out might be to make a new toon and level it up for a bit so you can get the skill point to upgrade movement modes. Though since you asked, Flight is really only good for in combat if you are using attacks that might rely on line of sight, or better yet, for controlling so you can more easily see more and have better targeting capabilities for your crowd control. It is the slowest of all the movement modes. It is the easiest of the movement modes to use. Super Speed is my movement power of choice. I know a lot of avid PvP players and tanks prefer to use it because you can very easily kite with it. This is one of those movement modes that people seem to love or hate due to it taking time to get used to. I have found this to be very fun to use with the whole momentum thing it has going for it. Acrobatics is surprisingly the fastest movement mode in open world (while using rocket assisted glide move up and down. It will accelerate your movement speed). I can't say I have an overwhelming amount of experience with acrobatics however I do know some PvP players are fond of it because it has a power that puts you directly back into movement mode allowing for quick escapes. When I have used it I did find it to be pretty fun though.