Movement Mode Sub-Trees

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Horrorshow, May 4, 2013.

  1. Horrorshow New Player

    I was thinking about what could be done to enhance movement modes in the game. Then it hit me out of nowhere: what about doing the same thing you did with powers with movement modes? A lot of the movement modes people have been asking are the three that are currently in game.

    Each movement mode will have a sub-tree for the different categories they fall under. I thought this was a good idea because there would be new animations for movement modes and possibly new attacks. Each sub-categorized movement mode could have different abilities within it.

    Not all of these are going to be used. Most of these could be done though just by tweaking the animations and character pose. Tell me what you guys think and add some of your own stuff.

    Category (Flight)
    Subcategory (Normal Flight) – The same flight we have in game now.
    Subcategory (Heroic Flight) – The arms are placed differently when moving with flight.
    Subcategory (Rock Flight) – The user summons a large rock they ride on to move around. It would be the same as normal flight. The only difference would be the animation.
    Subcategory (Fire Flight) – The same flight pose we have now but the player enters a fire form, think Human Torch.
    Subcategory (Levitation) – The arms are placed on the side of the user when they move in flight.
    Subcategory (Bird Flight) – The user turns itself into a hawk, like the bird in the Raven instance.
    Subcategory (Jetpack/Rocket Boots) – It would have the same stance as levitation flight but adds a jet effect under the boots or back, when a jetpack style is equipped.
    Subcategory (Light Flight) – The user is surrounded in an aura like the lanterns have.
    Subcategory (Ice Slide) – The user stands on a slap of ice, the same stance the rock flight has, and the user shoots ice from their hands on ground.
    Subcategory (Hoverdisk Flight) – It would be the same as rock flight but with just a hover disk, think Static Shock.

    Category (Superspeed)
    Subcategory (Normal Superspeed) – The same superspeed we have in game now.
    Subcategory (Tunneling) – Let’s face it this can be done with superspeed just be moving the character underground. It would be the same speed and effects.
    Subcategory (Rainbow Superspeed) – The same superspeed we have in game now with just a rainbow effects behind the character. The lightning effects would be taken away as well.

    Category (Acrobatics)
    Subcategory (Normal Acrobatics) The same acrobatics we have in game now.
    Subcategory (Superjump) - The same acrobatics we have in game right now with just a way higher jump. The glide capabilities would be removed.
    Subcategory (Swinging) – A more Spiderman like acrobatics that has the person using a grapple to travel in the air. The glide capabilities would be removed.
    Subcategory (Teleportation) – The same acrobatics we have in game right now with just no glide capabilities. It would be the same as the Quantum teleportation and the person would perform it when they double tap the jump button. There would also be an abilities to teleport behind an enemy to attack them.
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  2. La Chupacabra New Player

    When I read the title I was really excited about expanding the functionality of the movement tress which is something that is desperately need imo, but it's really just customization, and that's cool too, so +1 anyway :D
    • Like x 1
  3. Horrorshow New Player

    Lol well I had another idea of possibly adding different powers within the movement modes, like they have in it now. An example would be maybe the rock flight the user can shoot a piece of the floating rock at enemies. Another example would be tunneling under the ground to avoid damage for a short period of time, a phase dodge sort of power. Each movement mode subtree would have its own unique powers.

    If you have any ideas feel free to shoot them inside this thread! :D
  4. Fourth New Player

    I never use flight or superspeed for any character I make. But this would change that entirely. I'd definitely have that rainbow trail of absolute villainy.
  5. Horrorshow New Player

    Lol. I swear that it wasn't a Nyan Cat reference.
  6. Gadget*Switch New Player

    We don't need the same movements from the PC game Champions Online. We just need a 2nd loadout that is only for movement skills.
  7. Horrorshow New Player

    Well the game needs more variety. A lot of people want specific looking movement modes for their characters and DCUO is limiting creativity in regards to movement modes. All of the new movement modes can come from the pre-existing ones. All off the flying innate abilities like supersonic flight and others would still be in the tree. A flying rock would still function the same when it is flying at supersonic speeds. This idea can be used for purely aesthetic purposes or give more unique abilities to our characters. What is the harm in adding more customization to movement modes?

    I don't really know what you mean by a second loadout.
  8. Tskales Well-Known Player

    I'd favour seperate skill trees for different movement modes, but your ideas are much more realistic as far as dev time is concerned, so i'd say yes. I like your customisation centric ideas, because i feel that customisation should be an important part of the game.
  9. Gr33dyMoney New Player

  10. Mini Lini Loyal Player

    Idk if I agree on all the types of suggestions in your post but... Love the idea. Though I'd suggest putting Teleportation under the Superspeed tree. Makes more sense to me... Running so fast you actually are teleporting or something.
  11. Horrorshow New Player

    Some of them are greatly exaggerated LMAO. That is a great idea.
  12. Horrorshow New Player

  13. Octantis New Player

    Teleportation is a Speed Force power in the DCU. Barry Allen shows a version of this in Blackest Knight when he leaps forward in time 2 seconds, effectively teleporting.

    Also, for all the "platform" flight modes, you can lump them all into one and make them Power based: ice sleds for ice, giant rocks for earth, etc. You could lump the "Human Torch" flight into this as well. You'll want to skip anything with Transformations, though; they add a delay during the form change - so Bird Flight and Human Torch might not work. I would say the Bird Flight would work for Nature, but they already have a Shapeshifting power into a bird :p

    I also have been advocating the Grapple Line / Super Jump options for Acro for a couple months now :) I support this.
  14. CypherXone Committed Player

    Great idea :) I think if you were to have sub trees for movement I would recommend some changes to your idea. I think each movement could have 3 sub trees or styles, which would provide different animations and power stunts or perks for each style.
    Flight- Propulsion, Aura, or Hovercraft
    Superspeed- Hyper Reflexes, Slider, or Tunneler/Teleport
    Acrobatics- Swing, Tumbler, or Glider

    Propulsion- Fly with one hand forward (Both hands forward while in supersonic). Access or bonus to Swoop Attack, Whirwind Attack, Dustoff

    Aura- Fly with hands extended to the side (Both hands back while in Supersonic). Access or bonuses to High Pressure, Low Pressure, Air Burst

    Hovercraft- Fly Standing leaning forward with fists at side (Fly kneeling gripping hovercraft with one fist at side, while in supersonic) Access or bonuses to Dive Bomb, Downdraft Attack, Vacuum Bubble

    Hyper Reflexes- Run with both hands in motion (Sprint with both hand behind during speed force). Access or Bonus to Cyclone Push, Whirling Dervish, Speed Drain.

    Slider- Effortlessly skate (speed skate during speed force) Inertial Flywheel, Vortex Trap, Dash Attack

    Tunneler/ Teleport- Submerge below ground or through a dimensional gate, traveling without interaction with NPC (instant travel during speed force for short distances) Access or Bonus to Tornado Pull, Metabolic Boost, Phase Dodge

    Tumbler- Leap into the air, while gaining more height and distance during a double jump (Extroridnary Bounds *similar to the animation of jumping during superspeed) Access or Bonus to Forward Flip Attack, Backflip Attack, Throwing Knives, Launching Roll, & Perfect Poise

    Swing- Hands holding a rope while in a swinging position during a double jump (Grapple Line and Glide Line) Access or Bonus to Grapple Line Attack, Zip Tie Attack

    Glider- Hands extended to the side/back during double jump (Rocket-assisted Glide)

    ***This would be cool if you could change you movement items in your style tab to add to the effect.
  15. Sechuran Fox Dedicated Player

    Yes to customization of movement modes and yes to adding more movement powers!! I think its a little disappointing that in a game based on the DC universe, you currently can't build a competitive end game character in the fashion of Flash/Zoom, Hawkman or any of these other iconic heroes and villains that don't have a particular power (in the game sense of the word).
  16. Horrorshow New Player

    Yeah customization is the next issue they need to tackle after they fix PVP.
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  17. Horrorshow New Player

    Haha forgot tornado flight. The effect for sandstorm could just be used under the character.