Most Complained About things In PVP And How To Counter Them

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Jordan153, Mar 4, 2013.

  1. Jordan153 New Player

    1. Clown Box
    2. Dog/Ghost Form
    3. Kiting
    4. Watcher
    5. Steel In Legends
    6. People Who Take Off Gear In 1v1 Lair Battles(More of a thing to deal with rather than counter)
    All of the things above I have seen complained about numerous times, I have also seen ways to deal with/counter them. But alot of people seem to not see the counters. I would like to see people post counters to all of the things above. I would also like to see people post problems they are having in PVP so somebody could respond to them and tell them a counter to the problem. The goal of this thread is to reduce the amount of problems people are having and reduce the amount of threads that you see about these problems. So, thanks to anybody who will be willing to help out here!
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  2. Cadens Dedicated Player

    Take off gear? I have never heard of this one...
  3. Loadingscreens Committed Player

    lack of lobbies
    lack of hardcore mode
    pve items in pvp
  4. Cadens Dedicated Player

    1. Clownbox - if they are good there is little to counter it. Healers counter it far easier than anyone else, but I would assume any shield would work. That being said, I would imagine they would use this when shields are down.

    2. None. If it happens it happens.

    3. Lasso

    4. Tough... if you can kill it fast enough without the healer taking chunks out of you, its the best way.

    5. I dont do legends much but having everyone focus fire them would be easier.. If they are all steel, uh, quit?

    6. Never heard of this.. what is it?
  5. MARK2099 New Player

    Is the faster way to farm MOTactics now since HT, players take off all gear and have less than 1k health, so they die 3 times in a row in a combo under 30 seconds, 30 seconds for map leading to 1 MOTactic is much more faster than lose in 2v2 with players declining and taking close to 2 minutes per match, is very useful for players working on victory feats, also very useful because is the faster way to farm marks for t2 t3 pvp gear.

    I love see those guys help me to get my lair victory feat faster :).
  6. Jordan153 New Player

    Yeah, people taking off all gear in lair battles, they stand there and don't attack so they can get easy marks from people who beat them.
  7. Cadens Dedicated Player

    Why would you want to counter something like that? Just beat them and re-queue. Whats the counter to winning??
  8. Jordan153 New Player

    I guess it's about helping somebody abuse a game mechanic, plus they get gear with no effort.
  9. Cadens Dedicated Player

    Then you could just leave? They should put into the game if you dont do a certain amount of damage to your enemy, you get nothing out of the match.
  10. Loadingscreens Committed Player

    where in the hell are these guys at??

    i always run into the sorc healer and his holy army of pets
  11. Jordan153 New Player

    That's a good idea. To be honest when I run into them, I just go to the nearest bed and do the sleep emote.
  12. Jordan153 New Player

    I run into them every 1 out of 3 lair battles, I haven't seen many people complain about them. But I think it would be enough to put it on the thread.
  13. Redhot Well-Known Player

    finished my 1v1 stretch wins 984-16 losses and about 100 of the wins where people just standing there with no gear on.. not really sure you can stop people from doing this I think the bigger problem was the amount of people I would face who would leave before the first round ended some would fight and just before they lose they would leave some would just leave without even fighting The problem I had with this is that you don't get a win count if someone leaves before the first round ends Now that is what I would call abuse, not the people just standing there not wanting to fight
  14. MARK2099 New Player

    Plz stop there, get gear with no effort has been in the game from start, players in any instance who do nothing roll high and get gear, players who premade and win vs pugs is not different, they are getting marks without doing anything special, game always reward in some way players with no effort, vault reward players with styles what effort take run vault every day? if is really annoying for you just drop lair.
  15. Loadingscreens Committed Player

    hmmm intereting. i dont like 1v1 cause of the imbalances, and the lair battles made me lol with all the pets, but ill give it another try.
  16. Jordan153 New Player

    Personally I don't mind it at all, just that i've seen people complain about it, so I put it in the thread. You bring up a good point about it though,.
  17. Web Well-Known Player

    There are really 2 types of people doing lair battles in my experience.
    1. Deranged OCD feat hunters(myself included) who are trying to get 1000 wins.
    2. People standing there for easy marks

    I like #2 because it makes #1 easier.
  18. Knight22179 New Player

    The only PvP gear I have right now is Tier 0 (working to get better gear because I can't afford better right now). I lose most of the time, but I always fight to the bitter end even if I know it's pointless. My point being is that my health is taken down to nothing in no time flat, almost as if I had no gear on at all. But I do it anyway because it's easy Marks and it'll help me gear up better and even become better at PvP by forcing me to try and come up with a way to win even if I know it's hopeless.

    While I agree that someone taking off all their gear and just standing there to get easy marks needs some kind of Penalty, what about those people who are under-geared but fight anyway for easy marks?

    How would the Devs penalize people who just stand around with no gear while rewarding under-geared people who try? There needs to be a line drawn because I do Lair Battles to get better at PvP and help me gear up.
  19. Zizzi New Player

    Some of my counters:
    1. Burn out their power and get far away from them...
    2. Burn out their power through stuns, juggles, etc.
    3. Let them run, or stun, encase, etc.
    4. Kill the owner. Also encase the watcher. Actually encase almost any pet.
    5. Block and learn the counter mechanics.
    6, Win the match and leave. It is annoying though since its no fun.
  20. Nitemare Kosmos New Player

    I need this in my life lol