Money Is Hard to Come By (Idea)

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Ethromel, Jan 12, 2023.

  1. Ethromel Well-Known Player

    After all these years I really am shocked that there has not been a mission created that involves simply robbing a bank, especially playing as a villain.
    For heroes there could be donations for citizens that have been rescued by the heroe.
    How do we explain Batman's considency of wealth? Why is it without the broker there really is no lucrative way for new players or those that don't want to use the broker to make money. Why? It's been over 11years. Isn't it time?
    It could even be a pve mission or a pvp mission of heroes stopping villains from escaping or heroes getting a celebration of the key to the city like Flash. Then the hero could sell it for currency or the key could be a boost to receive a greater percentage of funds from missions. Something is better than nothing.
    After over a decade the brker prices have only gotten more ridiculous with simple things being priced in the millions to hundreds of millions. That's just crazy.
  2. Ultimus Primus Well-Known Player

    So, you want an easier way to make (a Lot of) in game cash? Just making sure I really understand this post. And what do you need this EXTRA cash for if you (or people) don't want to use the broker? But then you want to use the broker but prices are too high?! I am confused what and why you want what you do?
  3. ArtemisWonderWoman7 Well-Known Player

    Money is hella easy to make in this game!! Most players don't really like to grind. I have made over 15 billion just on this dlc selling op piece materials and the core materials. Even now votive offerings go for 4 million on the broker
  4. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    Making money is pretty easy in this game. Besides, the question comes to mind: What do you need all that money for anyway, if you want to avoid the broker?
    Collections- kinda self explanatory, collect, farm.
    Gear- you make more than enough running content to buy and repair gear.
    Auras- get lucky or, avoid the broker.

    To avoid the broker, is to avoid making money.
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  5. ClowninAround Well-Known Player

    Having an idea like this implemented would be all well and good, but it would be a double edged sword.

    The problem is that it will get worse on the broker or in trade if it gets easier to make money. It's pretty much how we got to where we are now. A ton of glitched money was introduced to the game many years ago. It drove prices through the roof because the money was available to pay. So if it gets easier to make money, everyone will have more and then everyone will charge more.

    Sure you'll have more money on hand, but the price of everything will be nuts.
  6. Talks2MuchSense Well-Known Player

    There is no fixing the Money situation in this game. Period.

    It's outright been intentionally left in the sorry state thats it is in. Goldbots are allowed to exist in the game, filling up peoples ignore lists. Theres the folks who actually use those websites because it's comically cheaper to just buy everything from the broker than it is to buy stabilisers or the 25 Time Capsule X packs or Booster Bundles. And then those same folks, sitting on 300b wallets, put collections up on the Broker for 900m or go to Trade if the item "is worth more". I mean its gotten to the stage where the last Goldbot ad I saw was selling Premium Boxes too. If you're ever wondering where these random Premium Boxes are coming from, even being generous, 95% of them were bought from these sites.

    The only way to fix the games economy is simple, which is why it'll never be done. 2 restrictions. Max you can try to sell on Broker is 1m. Max you can Teade in one go is 1m. Done. As greedy as these folks who use Goldbot sites are, most of them aren't stupid enough to want to Trade 1000 times with someone just to gain 1b for an item.

    Money in the game needs to be reduced to exactly what it should have always been, a tool to repair gear, buy items and gear from NPC Vendors, and the odd Broker sale. Instead now there's some folks who were foolish enough to trick themselves into believing that a Video Games Currency matters. A vicarious Billionaire.
  7. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    if that wallets a little heavy Deprive is now accepting all donations to the I'm broke foundation. all proceeds will go to buying all those silly paywall time capsule pay to win garbage. ;)

  8. Ethromel Well-Known Player

    I clearly stated "besides the broker".
  9. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    there is no besides the broker
    this game isn't like some, there are no cash run content that you can run and make money simply by running it. at least significant amounts
    there is specific content that is dropping specific drops that are valuable that can then be sold on the broker.

    the only way to make large quantities of funds in this game is by working the broker in some fashion
  10. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    You don't even have to grind. The Omnibus mission boxes drop even the rarest collection pieces. Case in point: Complex Crime-Scene Riddle. This piece was easily +700 million before Omnibus. But now because it's available outside of the alert it's price has dropped considerably and is now affordable to the majority of players.

    I've been lucky enough to get two. The first sold for $250m and the second $75m. Am I a little disappointed I'm not getting more? Yeah. But considering that's actual a good sign that at least in one way the economy is getting better, I'll take it as a win.
  11. Chaos Evolution Devoted Player