Missing Marketplace Cash

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by JZtheDragon, Oct 6, 2014.

  1. JZtheDragon Well-Known Player

    As of posting, it has been an hour and a half since I purchased the $20.00 marketplace cash and there's still no sign of it. I got the confirmation message from the PSN purchase screen and the transaction shows up in my PSN transaction history, but still no marketplace bucks. I have submitted a ticket to help.dcuniverseonline.com and await a response.

    Has anyone else been experiencing this, and if so, was it resolved in any way? I would advise others to hold off on buying anything in-game until this apparent bug gets fixed.
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  2. Icy Everything New Player

    I've encountered this problem. I purchased 500MC but haven't received it yet-- it has been 3+ days now. I even opened a ticket for this on the SOE/SCEA websites. Still waiting. :(
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  3. JZtheDragon Well-Known Player

    Three days??! And I was worried at five hours. Crap.
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  4. Villainsallday New Player

    This has happend to me twice in the past week, I had to call up soe and they refunded me. I bought an additional 10$ Friday and it still hasn't come. Thanks to this bug I have missed the entire booster gold sale and will never get a smoke or plasmic aura. Thanks a lot dcuo for spoiling that experience for me. Because of this bug, dcuo market place will never see another dime from me.
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  5. Sixfiguredice Well-Known Player

    Omg I just had this issue on Saturday Oct. 4th @ 8:41 AM both SOE and SCEA kept giving me the run around until today Monday Oct. 5th. They had me delete DCUO completely from my PS4 and restore licenses etc etc. None of that worked so I had to redownload the game completely and call back and forth from 10:10 AM PDT through about 3 PM PDT just in wait times and talking to both companies. Then guy says we're going to refund back on my visa and said if you want whatever you purchased now then use another $20 for 2000 Marketplace Cash. I wanted to change my power since Saturday morning I used another $20 and points went on my account perfectly fine. Later on I got an email DENIAL of my first $20 like WTF? So I called SCEA back and stated pushingly that I need to be credited back. SOE can clearly see what in game item I bought last which was August 10th and I only had 215 points currently on my account. Had to push them for Supervisor/Manager then they finally said were going to add $20 to your PSN wallet but it'll take 3-5 days. I hope I don't have any more issues on refund it has been the worst customer service I ever had on any game/platform EVER! SOE and SCEA need better cooperation.
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  6. Sixfiguredice Well-Known Player

    On top of what happened to me it's the last day of the Booster Bundle too it's shady and I smell conspiracy or bug or people hacking routing points to themself? I urge an investigation into this and compensation needs to take place. I only wanted to spend $20 but now ended up with $40 gone thinking they were going to credit my visa not my psn wallet with the agent reassuring me.
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  7. JZtheDragon Well-Known Player

    So calling works; that's something. Sixfiguredice said he had a five hour wait time and the runaround; was it the same way for you?
  8. Villainsallday New Player

    Yes, I had to be persistent with calling and it took several calls over a weeks time almost.
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  9. Zpred Dedicated Player

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  10. JZtheDragon Well-Known Player