Metal Vendor OP collection fix??

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Jadzea Dax, Oct 1, 2019.

  1. Jadzea Dax Well-Known Player

    Interestingly, the vendor op item is no longer tradable, It took you guys a long time to "fix" this "oversight"?

    Or was it an intentional strategy to sell replays? Do I give you guys too much credit? Bc if so it was very smart on your end. You could have obviously fixed this the day episode released if it was a simple error.

    *Slow claps
  2. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    Yeah I find it odd they changed it to Cannot Trade as well. I know some people that were farming it on their alt for their main and others that were farming it to sell it and makes some nice $$.
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  3. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    6ix9ine snitched on us.
  4. Jadzea Dax Well-Known Player

    Oh my God I'm so impressed with Daybreak now, not only did they pull off a perfect replay sales mechanic, but they also found a patsy to take the heat from the community.

    To quote Ray Hudson, "This was brilliance on amphetamines!"
  5. Balistical Ice Loyal Player

    Somehow I dont feel that was a bug. I knew I should have bought atleast 3 on my alts. But I decided to wait not knowing this was going to happen. Not surprised though.
  6. Jadzea Dax Well-Known Player

    Atleast you aren't stuck with 3 that you can't sell.
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  7. Balistical Ice Loyal Player

    The people who are stuck with those should be credited back or should be able to trade those in. That was a mistake on the Developers and they should accommodate for their 'inconvenience'.
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  8. CrescentMoon Well-Known Player

    Knew that was gonna happen. Sold 2 of them for a bil each and I stopped. Always sold before shutdown would happen.