
Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by mightyjerm, Nov 17, 2015.

  1. mightyjerm New Player

    Looking to see if there's any small leagues or struggling leagues looking to merge with an small established league...ps4 hero
  2. Couze Well-Known Player

    My league has been picking up steam lately just recruited 4 healers I could ask if the guys are interested!
  3. Srone Well-Known Player

    whats the name of your league ?
  4. Venomsaga28 Well-Known Player

    try wavedox
  5. Srone Well-Known Player

    If i had a league name to look up i would
  6. lord kelsoe New Player

    War party is the league...If interested send in game tell or mail to lord kelsoe
  7. Venomsaga28 Well-Known Player

    limit break or the elders try the elders they good league
  8. Venomsaga28 Well-Known Player

  9. Venomsaga28 Well-Known Player

    on second thought u should just try the elders there the only league i know thats acutally a decent league there not a big league either hope it helps god bless
  10. Couze Well-Known Player

    Sorry I've been busy with family stuff haven't had much time to reply but league name is apocalyptic assassins.