Mepps trolls USPC (YAY!!!)

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by blklightning, Jun 12, 2014.

  1. Tikkun Loyal Player

    Oh look there I am watching the destruction just right of center.
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  2. blklightning New Player

    Finally got my recording uploaded:

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  3. BigAl Devoted Player

    Saw me at 1:50 and then bits and pieces during the last few babies. Saw alot of my league mates in there as well. Great promo for us, thanks. :p
  4. BumblingB I got better.

    Yeah, I think I saw you a lot in my video. :)
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  5. TechBender New Player

    I was there. Historic.
  6. Nyema New Player

    ah... hero side. again.
    you know there is a villain side too right mepps? did you? the only time we have ever gotten love is when those people won legends I think or pve challenge or something idk... but dang, that's hilarious
  7. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    This post could not be more uninformed.
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  8. Vodka Committed Player

    Play nice with your toys, Sid.
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  9. Nyema New Player

    :p inform me... The Goddess knows all, but The Mepps knows all-er?
  10. kav Committed Player

    A lot of FNL's were aimed at the villain side and the ratio where such "mini events" happen is 50/50 — source: FNL's on youtube.
  11. tukuan Devoted Player

    Literally type Mepps and Hall of Doom into YouTube and these come up right away:
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  12. BumblingB I got better.

    Spytle hit the villain USPS side today. Watched it and it was funny.
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  13. Rhinosus13 Loyal Player

    My Alt Quake is in the middle of that clusterflock of people in the top one lol my PS3 barely handled it haha
  14. billzill New Player

    I've seen mepps two or three times on USPC villain side in the last week or so demanding people challenge him to scrimmages.
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  15. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    This never happens on EUPC :(.


    If anyone has a good reason to complain, then it is us ignored players on EUPC. Come on! It is not that hard to switch servers or care a little more about the EUPC community... :mad:
    • Like x 2
  16. Nyema New Player

    number one, those aren't my server.
    I know I said he never comes to villain side but I had posted on another thread that he never comes to USPC vill side... The only time he came to USPC vill side for FUN, and do activities like this was... when those people won legends or some pve challenge, idk... But it has been a long time.
  17. Nyema New Player

    I am sorry, I should've included that. I've stated that in another thread lol...
    but everytime they've came to USPC it has been more or less hero side.
    especially for fun things and events like this.
  18. BumblingB I got better.

    I think a lot of this has to do with timezone differences. Unfortunately. When he does it, it's like midnight over there. I'm sure during FNL, when he is over on an EU server, you guys are zonked.
  19. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    This post could not be more uninformed.
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  20. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Look, there are many thousands of people online at any given time, on four servers, in about a billion different phases. I can hop into ONE of those phases, once in a while. I usually pick where to go based on who is streaming when I have a spare minute, so if you're not livestreaming DCUO, you are the problem.

    At the end of the day, if trying to provide a little extra fun causes this kind of...response...consistently, it will mean this has a negative impact overall and we'll stop wasting the time.
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