Mepps: problems with loyalty points, holly leaves, and support tickets

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by LanternEX, Dec 25, 2016.

  1. LanternEX Level 30

    I've been a member for about four months and have loved your game, but lately I've been having some trouble spending my loyalty points.
    I have 550 LP currently, but it won't let me buy certain things I should be able to, like any of the weapon styles for example...

    I've also had this similar problem with holly leaves on one of my toons, l have 100+ leaves and wanted to buy a pengbot, but when I went to buy it, almost everything in the vendor locked red to where I can't buy ANYTHING (My inventory isn't full).

    So I've tried daybreak support to fill out a ticket regarding the issues I've had all month, but when I sign in daybreak it says I need to verify my email, however, when I click to verify, it says I will be sent an email shortly after.
    The problem is I still haven't gotten one and I've retried this multiple times.

    I'm completely at a loss right now, I'm not sure what else I can do :(.
    If Mepps or anyone else can help me to resolve this problem it would be GREATLY appreciated!!
    Me and my wife love your game, but we'll have to discontinue our membership if this can't be fixed :(.

    Thank you for your time, Happy Holidays!
  2. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Go to Skeets vendors in the nightclubs/police stations to spend loyalty points, spend holly leaves at the seasonal vendor in watchtower/hall of doom or inside the seasonal event. It seems like you were just at the wrong spot. Hope this helps! Ho ho ho!
  3. LanternEX Level 30

    I know where and how to spend them, the vendors are just bugged
  4. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Screenshot might help...
  5. LanternEX Level 30

    Im still waiting on a confirmation email for daybreak support, whats the deal??
    I just need some help :/
  6. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Did you look in your spam folder or try a different email provider?
  7. Kzinti Committed Player

    Do you have enough in game cash also?
  8. Sugr Bear Committed Player

    I'm still waiting on my loyalty points, and my membership renewed two weeks ago. I know that doesn't help this thread but seemed like a good place to say something lol.
  9. LanternEX Level 30

    Ive checked all my email folders and had no luck, im using gmail btw.
    I could try a ymail but i dont think it'lll make a difference.

    As for my in game cash i have 1050 loaylty points and over 100 holly leaves.
    Half of the stuff shows up red as locked in the loyalty vendor, even though i have enough points for anything.
    Same with the seasonal vendor, except EVERTHING is locked.

    My inventory is not full btw..
  10. LanternEX Level 30

    Has anyone had any luck creating a support ticket lately??
  11. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Do you have enough in-game cash? On the inventory screen all the way at the bottom should be CASH: xxxxxx. How much do you have? You need between $100-$500 AND holly leaves for the seasonal vendor. Also, there are items in the loyalty vendor that cost more than 1050 loyalty points. Booster bundle is 1000, aura pack II is 1500. We're here to help, just ask questions if you don't understand something.
  12. LanternEX Level 30

    I have 16 million, thanks for thinking about that though.
    But it wont even let me buy weapon styles for 500 LP, and i have 1050
  13. LanternEX Level 30

    I just let my membership expire :p, ill continue to play though
  14. Plowed In Loyal Player

    And you are PS, not PC, right?

    Btw - holly leaves are toon specific, so you have to be on that character to spend them. Whereas loyalty points are account bound and can be spent on any character. I'd double check that you're on the right toon, currency tab...should be listed there. Happy hunting!
  15. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Unless he posts a screenshot I'd chalk it up to human error or trolling.