Members Only: Supergirl Legends Character Earned With Marks of Legend!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Captain Liberty, Apr 11, 2014.

  1. BigAl Devoted Player

    Beat me to it. ;)
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  2. Harlequin Devoted Player

    Is Dr Fate more powerful than Bane? I know Harley can put a beating on a lot of players and she's free/10 MoL. Cost does not equal strength.

    This is an awesome idea. I certainly hope this is a sign of things to come and not only just with Legends.
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  3. SuperBlur Level 30

    I for one think you should, right now the only incentive to subbing to the game is to not do with the cash cap and get access to the dlc (which you doesn't take a month to go through)

    just my 2ยข
  4. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Probably more expensive because she's also on sale in the Marektplace. If people see 85 MoL they will think ok I'll just grind out the marks like I did for the other 85ers, but if they see she is 100 more people will be inclined to just spend the cash to get her quickly. Marketing, my dear. :D
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  5. AtrocitusOmega Committed Player

    I just dont see myself wasting marks on supergirl 100 at that. She will probably be no different than superman and he sucks most of the kryptonians do. Characters like black adam, guy gardner with red/green lantern powers, wonder girl, lyssa drak, bleez, black lightning, the flash and static shock are the characters id drop 100 marks on especially since all you get it 2 mol for winning a match. you guys should scrap giving mov in legends and increase the mol.
  6. BumblingB I got better.

    It's because she is a Marketplace item and it is to put so you will buy it if you want it on all your toons as account bound. It's a good alternative.
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  7. Jafin 10000 Post Club


    Why can nobody ever remember that his name is just...Static.
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  8. AtrocitusOmega Committed Player

    you got the point
  9. Rhinosus13 Loyal Player

    Hey I'm just wondering if there's a possibility of doing this for current legends on the market place as well
  10. The Klepto New Player

    Lol because it has to do with 2% of the game. Nobody plays legends and 90% of people who play legends play as the OP steel if they bought it or John Stewart. My points valid it's a lame way to show and give back to legendary players.
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  11. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    lol? Do you have any figures to support this whatsoever? I play Legends multiple times a day, never having to wait more than one minute for a queue to pop, and I haven't seen anybody using Steel for weeks and I've only seen John Stewart a handful of times in the last few weeks also.
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  12. Anya Well-Known Player

    I know right! Most just assume that cause his show was called Static Shock, that was his actual hero name.
  13. Derio 15000 Post Club

  14. Dametria Loyal Player

    I farmed legends tonight...not one, single Steel or J. Stewart. A bunch of 2-face and Atros though.

    [IMG]...just like your bogus statistics.
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  15. WockaFlockaPhil Dedicated Player

  16. Pandora Demon New Player

    100 MoL isn't that much( considering I have 250). But, getting to that amount isn't hard to get since you just keep playing legends, and if you keep winning it doesn't feel like it took so long to get there either. Also, the Static topic... Yeah, It's quite "shocking" that people call him that, but to me: both seem to work better if they are used for different scenarios
  17. Veritasum Loyal Player

    I would have to think that even if you're a casual Legends player as I am, you should have all available characters and close to the max 250 ML in your currency as I do. Actually, I'm maxed out so 100 marks to use on Supergirl would be fine. Nothing else that I'm using them on and if I continue to play casually I'll be maxed again before the next character becomes available.

    I don't have any trouble Qng into Legends and I rarely see Steel anymore. Lots of John Stewarts, yes, but I'm not sure what that has to do with having Supergirl available with ML for Legendary. Scroll through this thread and come up with percentages of people who will get Supergirl and those who won't. And see if we are close to that 2%.
  18. AtrocitusOmega Committed Player

    It isn't a lot when you have 250 mol but getting back to that amount is a pain being you get 2 mol for winning a match. Some people like supergirl and if you wanna spend your marks on her that's fine, I just believe there are way better legends characters I rather spend my marks on than her. So until they but a legends character that I really want I'll just save my marks and wait.
  19. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    She hasn't been added in yet. We don't know when she's being added except that it will be after Amazon Fury is released.
  20. Sgt Bombero Committed Player

    Lol. True. They did supes dirty in this game.
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