Melee Electric DPS... Electrified or Polarized?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by xNohellz, May 3, 2013.

  1. xNohellz Committed Player

    I would like to have the opinion of several PvE Electric DPS, what is the best between TeslaBall (Electrified PI) and StaticPush (Polarized PI) or are some of you do not use one or the other because Wired do the job?

    Before I used StaticPush with E-Cute & E-Bomb im my loadout but I tried recently Tesla Ball with VB and Whirling Dervish (superspeed), but for the damage I did not notice any difference...

    I think I'll try a new Loadout to Electrified PI with some Electrostatic Pulse Device IV : VoltaicBolt, E-Burst, WD, Wired, E-Cute & for my last power what should the best? E-Bomb or E-Genesis?

    let me know what you think
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  2. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    What the best is, depends on the situation/raid.

    E-Burst splits early and E-bomb hits harder than E-burst when polarized is there, but E-bomb is mainly nice single-target burst-damage. Wired electrifies nicely.
    Good thing about EPD: You can clip everything with it, it has a short cooldown and does nice damage on Lvl IV.
    E-Genesis is a really powerful dot and it is easy to keep it running.

    Both Tesla-Ball and E-Push require too many powerpoints to get, just to set up a PI.

    My Standard-melee-loadout:
    E-burst, V-Bolt, E-cute, E-Genesis, wired, curcuit-breaker

    Does good damage with medium-power-consumption and is mainly dot-based. In a variation, I replace E-burst with E-bomb and clip powers with polarization consumable - increases power consumption.
    When I replace E-burst with attract my energy-consumption increases a lot, which is why I don't do that. I don't wanna be at the top chart of power in :rolleyes:.

    Those are my thoughts on electricity DPS and I know many will disagree. It works good and that's what matters!
  3. xNohellz Committed Player

    Thank you Lady L.

    because Wired do a great job, I think I'll try without StaticPush or TeslaBall for couple of raid with this loadout : VB, E-Burst, WD, Wired, E-Cute & E-Genesis & if its not give good job I'll change WD for E-Bomb
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  4. WL Corpsman New Player

    Did very well with a electrified for melee DPS and polarized for ranged DPS. Flight was my movement. Loadouts:

    Melee DPS 1: Electrogenesis (EG), Electrocute (E), Electro Burst (EB), Vacuum Bubble (VBs), Voltiac Bolt (VB), and Tesla Ball (TB).
    Rotation: Started with TB, EG immediately into E then EB for damage over time, then weapon combo followed by clipping VB
    VBs was used on after damage over time applied powers EG E EB on large trash mob adds.

    Melee DPS 2: Electrogenesis (EG), Electrocute (E), Electro Burst (EB), Static Bomb (SB), Voltiac Bolt (VB), and Tesla Ball (TB)
    Rotation: Started with TB, EG immediately into E then EB for damage over time, then weapon combo followed by clipping VB
    then immediately into SB

    Note: used Tesla Ball over Wired because of the Tactical Mod Escalating might to add the 261 might buff to all damage over time and electrified power interaction. Also a loadout with no supercharge give more weapon DPS to to supercharge meter buff to weapon when full and added damage over time DPS from SB.

    Ranged DPS 1: Electrogenesis (EG), Electrocute (E),Static Bomb (SB) , Vacuum Bubble (VBs), Static Push (SP), and Wired (W).
    Rotation: W immediately into SP then quick weapon clip into EG, quick weapon clip in E, then quick weapon clip into SB
    then weapon combo clipped into another SB until powers cooled down.

    Ranged DPS 2: Electrogenesis (EG), Electrocute (E),Static Bomb (SB) , Shock Wave (SW), Static Push (SP), and Wired (W).
    Rotation: W immediately into SP then quick weapon clip into EG, quick weapon clip in E, quick weapon clip into S, then
    quick weapon clip into SW -IF IN RANGE. Weapon combos then clipped with SB, immediately in SW- IF N
    RANGE until powers cooled down.

    Note; Preferred range weapon was rifle, due to grenade shot being easily clipped, BUT EXTREMELY power hunger. Any Range weapon will suffice but be weary of power management for the support roles.

    Hope this helps.
  5. xNohellz Committed Player

    "Note: used Tesla Ball over Wired because of the Tactical Mod Escalating might to add the 261 might buff to all damage over time and electrified power interaction. Also a loadout with no supercharge give more weapon DPS to to supercharge meter buff to weapon when full and added damage over time DPS from SB."

    yeah man! I'll try my loadout tonight and if its not give good work I'll change Wired for TeslaBall to do the PI
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  6. Spicoli New Player

    Not a troll anymore?

    It's ICEPICK
  7. WL Corpsman New Player

    Still a Controller