Maybe Low Level Alerts into Raids

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by PainGod, Jul 22, 2014.

  1. PainGod New Player

    I was not able to find anything on this so I will just shoot from the hip. I think it would be awesome if we could get Arkham Asylum, HIVE Moon Base as raids while also getting some of the instances as operations and some of the other alerts as a T3 and higher raids. What do you guys think?
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  2. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Arkham yes, also adding new surprise bosses.

    Hive moon base I have wanted a raid since launch due to its large size and multiple objectives you could have put in.
  3. PKMN12 New Player

    All that will do is make people complain that they are just redoing old content.
  4. iSmashly New Player

    T6 Gorilla Island. Not joking. Gimmie.
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  5. Owl Devoted Player

    I would rather have more 4 Man content than 8 Man content.

    I think that Tier 4 versions of the Bludhaven & Gorilla Island Alerts should be created.
    I also think that most Raids could be made into Alerts.
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  6. the solowing Unwavering Player

    ugh i had the alerts, too much space that doesnt get used, i perfer a more steamlined instanced such as the league of assassin hideout
  7. NCR RANGER New Player

    Oolong Island in in the operation entitled "Crime Wave" in the next dlc.
  8. Adamwiseguy New Player

    I can see Bludhaven and Smallville as raids. Just add more bosses and objectives.
  9. kav Committed Player

    I you think about it, Bludhaven is actually one of the hardest alert you could do so far, when you go in with the suggested CR. I like a lot of those T1-T2-T3 alerts, I wouldn't mind seeing them being recycled into something else. Of course with some shiny updates.
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  10. iTzKCO Well-Known Player

    Bludhaven, Smallville, AA, and Oolong I could see as being raids. However, idk if I'd want to do them at t6+ level. But then again, if made into a raid, it should be quite fun.
  11. kav Committed Player

    Oolong is part of a new T6 raid. ;)
  12. iTzKCO Well-Known Player

    That brings both excitement and worry.
  13. Malachyte Devoted Player

    Smallville would be an awesome T6 raid in the simple fact that you fight one of the most powerful characters in DC Nation at the end.
    I still can't get over how Doomsday, the creature that killed Superman is a T1 Alert Boss, while Circe who Superman can snap her neck in a nano-second is a Boss in the T6
  14. DCUO Post Loyal Player

    Arkham Asylum was a raid back in Beta. Can't remember the reason why the changed it to an alert.
  15. junglejim New Player

    Tbh I see why you'd want it and if I hadnt played them to death id be all for it but chances are I wouldn't bother with them I think players who had to grind them daily before replays would generally feel similar unless new content was added.

    Some could make great raids though. Arkham, Ace , Strykers, starlabs , smallville , coast city and hivebase all have great iconic locations , iconic boss fights and were my favourite alerts back in the day. For newer players that skipped content to max cr they've missed some of the best pve content in the game and some of the best locations so for them id be all for it.
  16. Twilight Man New Player

    I prefer 4-man groups over 8-man groups.

    Bludhaven could be a cool 8-man raid if slightly longer.
    Bludhaven could reward some very cool and unique mutant/toxic themed drops.
    Bludhaven could be so much it and caress it.

    Gorilla Grodd duo could be a 4-man and T3 level.
  17. Marine Death Committed Player

    Yes this. Outstanding suggestion
  18. PainGod New Player

    Either way I think its just a good idea since a lot of players are not in survival mode.