Maybe I missed this memo...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Hoshizaki, Mar 3, 2013.

  1. Hoshizaki New Player

    If I am behind, I apologize...but I just discovered that we can convert Marks of War in the War Room, at the token of merit machine, for Marks of Triumph. Curious as to why this was not in any of the patch notes, or did I just miss this? Seems like a sneaky place to put them as well....why not with the other ones in the Magic wing?
  2. Laff Riot New Player

    Its been this way for a little while now.
  3. Heartsbane Committed Player

    I thought the converter for War to Triumph was in the Magic Wing? Isn't the War Room converter for Marks to Merit?
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  4. Eternity's_Girl Committed Player

    The Token of Merit converter has always been there. Merits are only good for feats. Now if they added a convert to other Marks to it like the one in the Magic Wing thats new. I would be very careful with it you dont want to lose any Marks.
  5. Little Sister New Player

  6. LL New Player

    It was to help with mainframe rent.
  7. Hoshizaki New Player

    Aha! I see now...missed it in the notes I suppose. Still strange that it is in the War Room. Thanks for the clarification!
  8. Hoshizaki New Player

    "The Token of Merit converter has always been there. Merits are only good for feats. Now if they added a convert to other Marks to it like the one in the Magic Wing thats new. I would be very careful with it you dont want to lose any Marks." - Eternity's_Girl

    Typically yes, however, squeezed between some other things in the War Room Merit converter is the option to switch 1 Mark of War for 65 Marks of Triumph.