Materials Should Be Replayable

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by KidFlash816, Jan 3, 2021.

  1. KidFlash816 New Player

    Make materials replayable they are way too expensive and rare to buy on multiple characters
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  2. Eve YouTuber

    They can't due to technical difficulties. Materials aren't made the same way as Auras and other styles.
    Though, maybe they could let us unlock the feat on alts and get the material via mail, like they did with shimmer in the time capsule.
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  3. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    I would love to be able to get Materials using Replays... sadly not an option...... yet. ;)

    Maybe it will be possible someday?? Guess we will have to wait and see. :)
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  4. KiraDanvers Well-Known Player

    I just wish materials were more sensibly priced on the 2nd Chance vendor. The prices the devs have put on them are outrageous! I wanted to buy the void mat for one of my alts the other day but quickly gave up on that idea when I saw that it costs over 5,000 quarks! I must have opened hundreds of TCs over the years and I've never spent any quarks, yet I've only managed to accumulate about 2,300! I have no idea how anyone would ever get 5,000 of them without spending thousands of $ on stabilizers!
  5. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    2300 quarks = 230 Time Capsules at most.
    Probably less since some TCs will give more then the 10 quarks minimum.

    If lucky some TCs will give you 100 quarks.
    Some TCs like the Cursed Gotham will often give you 30 quarks as a reward in addition to the 10 quarks you get.

    Not to mention you can buy 25 quarks for 100 Source Marks.
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  6. Kanniu Well-Known Player

    Yeah so it would take around 1 year and like 6 months to save up enough quarks to get void.
  7. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    DCUO is a Marathon. Not a Sprint. If you play the loooooong game.... you can do it. ;)
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  8. Snowy OwI Loyal Player

    Have they told us Why we can't have materials applied to skins?
  9. myandria Item Storage

    I think they said it was due to a technical issue as well; however, I wish they would bring back materials AS a skin, like that plaid skin that was in the marketplace.
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  10. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    We've been told about technical limitations before that were ultimately able to be overcome. Armory switching in Atlantis comes to mind as one of those incidents.
  11. Eve YouTuber

    Which is why I suggested the way they did it with the Shimmer material. This is one way to "Over come" this that comes to mind, because it worked in the past.
  12. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    Right, that's more of a workaround. I meant specifically times when something was called impossible due to tech limitations and that developers were able to overcome those blockades on the programming side.
  13. Blackhole1st New Player

    Ha ha materials are the most hardest thing to get in the game without money. It took me nearly 2 weeks just to save up my source marks to get a darkness material. Them things expensive and way to grindy.
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  14. Snowy OwI Loyal Player

    I'm still waiting/hopeing for a skin that removes eyes,nose and mouth and is colorable all black.Most skins when they are colored either red or black they becom orangeish or greyish instead of red or black.
  15. Aduzar Light Dedicated Player

    Unfortunately, no matter how many suggestions are evoked on this forum, Daybreak clearly doesn't give a damn about the game anymore, because only time capsules and DLC have priority, I would love a cleaning up from EG 7, to finally give DCUO a new lease of life, or for the moment this game makes me think of DeCeption Universe Online...

    The economy of this game has really become a real joke since the PS merger, Daybreak didn't even care about it at a single moment, the only thing they thought of doing is to prevent us from sending money from the game from one character to another, which says a lot, following this reaction of Daybreak and not talking about a bug, as I've already been allowed to see it's clearly not a bug, but a choice made by the devs/managers !

    Note this: how many suggestions have been made on this forum and how many have you seen realised? It's looking for a community, but it doesn't even listen to it a minimum, what's the point of wasting time or even investing in an MMORPG when a community is not respected by its managers? Too bad that only players still have a vision for old MMORPGs...

    For my part, when I see the state of the game rendered by Daybreak, it's only a matter of time before I can continue, since we're only used for "numbers", I'm willing to believe that an MMORPG should report, but for a while I'd have to stop the abuse! Unless the goal is to scare away the players?

    I'm just waiting to see if EG 7 is going to change anything, but I've rarely seen an incredible change following a game/studio buyout.

    This game could have been so much bigger, but this vision can't be when a game is run by shareholders...
  16. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    It was asked during one of the charity live streams, I believe it was Red5 that said they can make materials unlockable if they had the time to do so.

    I don't remember which stream it was unfortunately, possibly the one on the day of the event, but I know it was said because as it caught my attention enough to pull me away from DCUO and then I was thinking about which materials I would unlock if they did put it into the game.

    So hopefully it is something that they implement in the future.. maybe as new announcement for the anniversary event?? That would be pretty cool. :D
  17. KiraDanvers Well-Known Player

    And you don't think the relative pricing of mats is a problem? Lets break it down further into some real-world terms.

    Bearing in mind that 20 stabilizers, to open up 20 TCs, costs roughly $20, that means you'd have to spend around $500 or more just to accumulate enough quarks to buy ONE MATERIAL! And it's not like there's only one material to buy on that vendor, there's about 20-odd! If you were to buy the 5,000 quarks with Source Marks, that works out at 20,000 Source Marks!!!! Who the hell is gonna be crazy enough to do that?? It's ridiculous!

    The ONLY way these prices aren't a problem for you, is if you are one of those people who waste thousands of $ on Time Capsules every month. I'm not one of those people.

    I get that this game is supposed to be a marathon not a sprint, but a marathon is 26 miles. The devs are basically asking us to run 26,000 miles! It's not possible.