Marvel league EU

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by NikoManiko, Sep 28, 2021.

  1. NikoManiko Well-Known Player

    So I used to play this game back in the days and now i am back to have fun again with free dlc and all. I was never in league, i guess i am more laid back player. Anyway I am having fun playing as some iconic marvel characters and i have seen rly spot on outfits on other players, so i started looking for marvel league because it would be fun to play with full x-men or avengers team... the problem is all marvel leagues i found are on US servers. I was thinking to create my own marvel league since i still have membership this month,but the problem is i dont have much free time and i cant say how much i could play each month. So it would be rly laid back league and i dont know if anyone would join in league with league founder like me hahah.
  2. AInitiative New Player

    I have the solution. Talk with BlackWidow#2777 on discord. Or see YouTube Channel BlackWidowDCUO to join our league. The Avengers.