Mark of Reality Side Missions.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Mysticwraith, May 28, 2013.

  1. Mysticwraith Well-Known Player

    I remember my first time doing HOF operations and at the end got a side mission to earn 1 extra mark towards my T4 gear. I believe my first was Area 51. Now what really got my interest was even though the instant was considerably easy for me, is that it was beneficial for me to get my mark and three other players having a high lvl cr for that alert. The single player missions where alright, but it gave me a better satisfying feeling when I got the alert missions.

    So my question is should the Devs ad more content like this to promote faster queues for lower players? Personally I would love to see the new content go towards Mark of Reality to break up the farming. I love the new content but after a few times it feels stale at times. By allowing players to acquire these side missions as rewards it shakes things up a bit and all player benefit if these missions brought us back to lower lvl content.

    Imagine new side missions to go back to Sub Con to make sure the first Avatar was defeated, or helping a player in T2 duo destined to be an important key in future events that have yet to occur? I just feel with this new DLC Side missions could really pull together the effect other than new T5 content. Thoughts?
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  2. lackofinterest Well-Known Player

    +1! Even if they just rewarded MoTs or styles, this idea makes so much sense! Can't believe the devs didn't think of this. Oh wait, yes i can :confused:
  3. Aiden Warren New Player

    Would be nice. But what would the missions be? would random thing/creature/monster would tamper with us in the original time in open world Metro and Gotham?

    What would the reward be?
    I'd say yea a MOR or 315 MOT's :D
    and or a level 81-83 piece at random Tank/Troller/Healer/Damage
    It doesn't always have to be a MOR or MOT, but all 3 rewards will be at random.
  4. lackofinterest Well-Known Player

    Nah, we'd just hafta complete older content, like mystic said, it just ties into the origin crisis story. Although, an extra spawned, hard hitting enemy after defeating Tech in Sub or Meta in FOS 2 would be pretty epic :D
  5. Mysticwraith Well-Known Player

    Well you could tie in another time traveler spawn after the instant that was trying to change events, or even a paradox reaper meaning something "might" have changed, but for the most part just completing the missions like Lack pointed out just ties in. Would be cool though if something random like that did occur from time to time, keep players on their toes:D
  6. DarkSyde79 Loyal Player

    First, HoF was released during the middle of the T4 cycle. Second, T5 content already affords you the opportunity to earn upwards of 11 MoR per day (77 per week before earning marks from one raid or getting marks from a PLB). Third, most likely the "Sons of Trigon" DLC will contain more T5 content plus a future GU will most likely include more T5 content like Challenges, Duos, and 4-man content. In the end, we'll get more content as time goes by and more quicker than we did with the lower tiers since the overall direction of the game is more uniform that it was when it was released.
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  7. StopPerving Dedicated Player

    Yeah. Ninja Batman, just to make fos2 just that little more "interesting"... I'm a sucker for pain, what can I say...
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  8. Mysticwraith Well-Known Player

    Think your missing the point. The idea here is to tie in the content of OC to past content through side missions like the HOF award side missions. There is no debate on upcoming content or lack of this just promotes the DLC and gives alternate paths that can affect the timeline from a roleplaying perspective. And it really does give low CR players something to push for when they see a high lvl CR in their duo/alert/raids.
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  9. KemistiOMG Committed Player

    it is too early for this, maybe in dlc 9 this might be possible.
  10. DarkSyde79 Loyal Player

    I get where you're coming from but in the end we won't be getting content like you suggest until the life cycle of the T5 content has progressed more. HoF was the 2nd DLC containing DLC and with Gotham getting a major makeover soon, I can see us doing a lot of outdoor missions and with those possibly some side missions that take us into older content.

    But I could be wrong as the devs continue to think that the majority of players are going into old content for the fun factor vs. the rewards they offer. So without that incentive of MoR for going into older content plus the randomness of drops, I don't see much interaction happening unless we're given side missions.