Major problems on PS server

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by FEARtheSPUR, Aug 5, 2014.

  1. FEARtheSPUR Well-Known Player

    Surprised this havent been posted already. Started happening yesterday.

    What happen in pve is the adds seem to be in one location and they do not move but are hitting you and appear on the mini map in a different locations. This make it impossible to finish some mission because you cannot turn the cog.

    I seen this happen in t6 duo, t1-3 alert, t1-5 solos. Its a wide spread problem.
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  2. Judgmental Jolt Well-Known Player

    I'm not sure what you are saying exactly, but from what I recall, I have not experienced this bug in the past few days? Maybe? If all else fails, it will probably be fixed with the Halls of Power update tomorrow
  3. Techvolt Well-Known Player

    He is saying, and I quote: "I still play on a PS3."
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  4. GregDawe New Player

    Major Problems on the PS server: the PS3.
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  5. FEARtheSPUR Well-Known Player

    What happen when you go into any room. The adds do not seem to move but will start hitting you from across the room. Then on the mini map it looks like the adds are right next to you and if you try to attack the add that you can see it will not always take damage. You have to make sure you are lined up with what it show on the mini map.

    It so crazy and has happen in many group over the last 24 hours.

    No i play on the PS4 with a SSD.
  6. Little Sister New Player

    I haven't been seeing this at all. It sounds like lag though.
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  7. Judgmental Jolt Well-Known Player

    I am on PS4, with the standard hard drive (too lazy to upgrade so far), and have had no such issues. I would definitely say that if you are on PS4, this is a connection problem and not a problem with the game or its servers. If you were on PS3, I'd say "Oh, yeah...the game acts really weird on PS3 sometimes, just ignore it"
  8. kAiSeR007 Dedicated Player

    I have a PS4 and since I bought it I can count with one hand the times I have had any issue. I barely DC, my downtimes are super fast, all I can say is that DCUO on my PS4 is working wonderfully. Just get yourself a good connection and a PS4.
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  9. Sbel Devoted Player

    I've had this bug a couple of times on PC in the last 3 weeks. Once in Supply Lines and once in Mist Recovery.
  10. FEARtheSPUR Well-Known Player

    I have a 100mbit connection with comcast.

    It not my connection. I join a watchtower alert that was already started last night and they had wipe many times and were leaving when i joined because they said it was glitch. I said i could show them how to beat it because it happen so many times yesterday. You just have to go by your mini map.

    It was very weird and i have seen lag on PS3 but it was nothing like that. In that watchtower alert the spider mother would spawn invisible but when you killed them the babies would show up fine.

    I never notice any type of lag in last 24 hr but it just seem like everything was glitched. I have played this game for over 2 year and never seen anything like this before.

    Yep i had that happen in t6 duo. The adds would never come out from behind the force field in the side room but they would attack you like they were in the room. But we could not find a way to hit them. So we had to wipe and leave.
  11. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Mods, can you move this to the Arkaham Bug reports section?

    I've had it in Hive, Strykers, in Trigon's Prison, and in Knightsdome. The first time it happened, I left and I tried to queue up for T2 Hive Moon Base again, and it happened a second time. So, when it happens, I've just been avoiding that instance until reset.

    What happens is the image of the enemy stays at its spawn point. You can only target the enemy at their spawn point. But, that doesn't mean they'll take any damage.

    The minimap will show their actual location, sometimes, but if you can hit them there, it will be only a couple of hits at most, same as at the spawn point. The reason why I say "sometimes" is that Jesse dot should not constantly be teleporting back to behind the teeth during the fight.

    They can still hit you so long as you're in range of their moving red dot, so in Knightsdome, you'd kite the red dot to near the spawn point, lay an aoe dot and a shield, and run to the other side of the room, dodging the green balls, timing your supply drops with your partner for power, shields and heals.

    What I found interesting was that in Strykers, the first arena has the floating mouth ball projections that will turn into gorrilla projections if you don't destroy them. The gorrilla projections would always take damage just fine. Every single one. Hopefully that helps to narrow down what's wrong.

    Oh, and it's been going on a lot longer than the OP mentioned.
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  12. russ4ua15 New Player

    I have seen this in SM several times. At first, I thought it was an acid flashback. Then, some league mates saw it as well
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  13. Sore Steadfast Player

    I had a similar issue once. Whole instance was out of sync for everyone and it was different than lag. I was in decorator mode placing an item when the queue warped me in. I wondered if I caused it.
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  14. Helios The Eternal Flame Dedicated Player

    ^ What he said. Barely ? I don't DC, period. Best money I ever spent.
  15. FEARtheSPUR Well-Known Player

    I found a sure way to DC. Zone right before you zone from a que. This double zone will surely either keep you trap at a loading screen or you will be DC after awhile.

    So once that que pop and you hit x do not go into a portal to a new zone.
  16. Jbizzahalla175 New Player

    Yea I got ya....this happened to me in a t6 duo.....the adds would be in the same place the whole time and not move....but in reality the are running around trying to kill doesn't even show the adds swinging at u or any animation at all but they are attacking u.....I got through it but it was toughh
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  17. FEARtheSPUR Well-Known Player

    Would be nice to have a green name take a look at this. For me it started happening about 24 hrs ago. I would say 25% of the stuff i ran this happen. Seem other had problems before this date but this is only time i seen it happen and it happen time after time.

    This wasnt even close to peak time it was about 1 hour before reset this morning that i was in the watchtower alert i spoke about in the other post.

    This was USPS BTW