Up-Votes Needed Major Lag

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by PandoraLaBella, Sep 19, 2023.

  1. TeenWuulf Well-Known Player

    Started at 9:15 PM EST, hitting all areas. US PS/PC
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  2. Forum Junkie Well-Known Player

    Major lag spike game wide at 8:18pm cst. Dropped in on Hydra. Hydra never appeared. Everyone in chat is typing "lag."
  3. UnderworldSelene Well-Known Player

    Half my raid was kicked during a lag today. Someone else in the LFG chat said that they were lagging while editing their armory.
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  4. CGEMINI Well-Known Player

    This just happened twice again within 10 minutes of the 1st lag spike. This is becoming unplayable it occurred again for the 3rd time.
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  5. Wickedwillow Well-Known Player

    Same on Xbox. I thought it might be my internet at first until I checked here. I was leveling a new character in chinatown metropolis and doing quests .....it isnt just in new content. Major lag timing out and been booted because I lost connection to server a couple of times. Going to do something else. game is currently unplayable...or at least unenjoyable to try.
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  6. Miranda31 Well-Known Player

    It's 12:43 AEST. For the past hour and a bit I've had issues - character 1 intermittently unable to warp; went to phase 1 of HoL and nothing there (switched phases and it was fine) and now new character caught in the Magic Shop, instance incomplete. I logged out of her and back in, and she was outside. Had to repeat, which was OK.
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  7. Miranda31 Well-Known Player

    So far, so good, no issues since reset (not being more optimistic than that as a precaution).