Mainframe Allies, Superpower Pets & Formchanges

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Spytle, Mar 18, 2013.

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  1. Gravity New Player

    Whaat!!!!!!!!!!!! this whole this is an abomination to dcuo! you guys want to remove the good qualities of the henchmen and sidekick because the premium and free people feel that there at a disadvantage? please if they dont like the henchmen let them buy legendary or the dlc and get their lazy selves in gear and do some t1-t3 instances. for the most part if you guys in-force this you will not only loose alot of people that you just got you will loose even more legendary players that spent their hard time and money only for it to be thrown away for the weak and ethical lazy players that really dont want to work for stuff. i believe lowering the health and damage of the two pets will not only make the people not want them it just lower the popularity of the two pets if anything lower the price of marks for these trinkets, im sure that, that will satisfy the people who dont want to work and earn their pets rightfully!
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  2. mecha New Player

    i use orbital strike over henchmen, but making them as strong as legend pets is a little extreme, those have like ~1000-1500 health and zero defense

    they can be 1 shotted or easily killed before they become effective
  3. MARK2099 New Player

    Pets aren't meant to be as strong as players, the pets from legends are ok, they do hit decent damage when are ignored, they are easier to kill, they are mostly a damage mitigation tool, they split all the incoming damage and do even damage until they die, every pet should be like that.
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  4. syphoner New Player

    If they nerf the backups they should at least shorten the time it takes to call them in, either way that and the orbital strike will be a waste of marks.
  5. Yallander Loyal Player

    Outside of PVE Orbital Strike is a waste of a trinket. It does horrible damage in PVP.
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  6. renzhe New Player

    It works for Lair Battles though, not so much the dmg but the root/stun from Orbital Strike IV.
  7. syphoner New Player

    Orbital was fun when it stripped the defenses of the bosses now its just another overpriced underpowered trinket.
  8. Splinter Cell Dedicated Player

    I didn't think it debuffed defenses more than it did juggle bosses around. Well the problem was that some enemies should have been immune to control effects like that, the Avatar of Meta from Prime Battleground comes to mind.
  9. Splinter Cell Dedicated Player

    Personally I don't get why people get uptight over mainframe trinkets in PvP. Once the damage and health are reduced like Spytle mention earlier, they'll be much easier to manage and focus more on strategizing their use. Why would you not make the most of what a DLC has to offer? Seems silly to me. Now if mainframe trinkets were agreed to not be used beforehand between two premade PvP groups, that's one thing, but should not be an unwritten rule of sorts. That's my two cents, anyway.
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  10. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Respectfully, please don't claim to speak for "everyone," because you don't and can't. You speak for those who agree with you. Obviously a great many players, and probably a majority. But hardly "everyone." Some find the idea of, say, a sorcerer who can command many pets to be a perfectly reasonable in-game immersive play ability, and while obviously it needs to be balanced, it's fine for some to dislike it or hate it, but you're still not "everyone."
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  11. Phantasy2013 Dedicated Player

    Devs,stop caving in to these lazy thinking and self entitled individuals who get mad because they suck, so they jump on here to voice a nerf. I had a kid last night get mad because I used my henchmen AFTER he used his trinket and then said I suck and henchmen need to go. but yet trinkets don't I thought to myself. Whats funny is the mentality that I can't use anything besides my powers and weapon against you but you can use everything and the kitchen sink at me. Stop dictating to the devs and community about your sore loser concepts and devs start telling individuals if they dont like the powers or trinkets because they can't overcome another, then thats their problem. If you want to improve your skills then grind for Tier Gear, increase your skill points, read forum guides about your powers, get better mods, or save your marks and get your mainframe perks. BUT ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!! If you think "true" skill isnt using mainframe perks then thats your opinion but you dont speak for the whole community and devs need to realize this. Start with the new power Quantum, do not nerf by any means and start letting these protestors for nerf that you run this game, not them. Henchmen,Side Kick, Orbital Blast and Trinket power out should be based off of CR as well as Marks(Mainframe perks) and should not be nerfed by any means. NO MORE NERFS!!!!!

    I want to become more powerful and my character to progress. How can I do that if every child,teen, or adult cry nerf after they lose in battle or they are envious that another person grinded harder than they did. Whats next? Nerf the Tier Gear? I want to have supreme power as a Villain and I dont want to equal to anyone as this is not the everyone SHOULD be equal type of game. If I worked hard for my character to become more powerful, then why should I be penalize because you (another player), are too incompetent or lazy to grind hard to become more powerful as thats your problem not mine. Devs, cease with this child like culture of nerfing and not only allow DCUO to evolve as a game but also allow our character to evolve with a level cap increase, higher stats on gear and mainframe perks that should be equal to the power of the user's CR.In other MMOs, there is no such thing as equality and maybe this should be looked into. I feel the next step is allowing Tier 5 and a new Controller power to set forth. NO MORE NERFS!!!!! NO MORE NERFS!!!! NO MORE NERFS!!!!!!!
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  12. Angus Krozz New Player

    i would like to see sidekicks and henchmen stay out longer or the wait time after use being a shorter wait to use them again
  13. ISO-Muay-Thai New Player

  14. El El Committed Player

    The pets are fine in this game people who complain about it just need to step their own game up.
    People wil always complain no matter what Devs changes to satisfy us.
    Its not always pets fault if you lose or die or whatever,have you ever considered that you may not be as good player.
    Getting tired with all the nerf changes just accept ur loss and be better player.

    I never have problems with pets but im getting better using pets,some people may make better use of the pet than i do or than you thts their advandage.
    Dont blame the pets blame urself and ur tactics how you aproach things in battle.
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  15. Zypher New Player

    Well, thanks for pointing out the obvious but I wasn't being literal. I was generalizing for the group I'm known for posting about which are PvPers. The group you're representing is indeed a minority and the upcoming changes to pet stats and flat-out banishment from arenas reflect that. What you call "immersive" others would consider a hindrance.. as we're interested more in actual player versus player, the less NPCs the better.

    However, if you wanna pin me on over-generalization.. I'm guilty as charged.
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