Luthor is still not audible...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BO PERRY_CRS, May 3, 2022.

  1. BO PERRY_CRS Well-Known Player

    As I said, Lex is still not audible on the daily missions jus fyi
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  2. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player

    LMAO, yeah, just checked (I often have my sound off when just doing dailies or other content I've done before and don't need to hear as much) and still silent. He does have subtitles now, though. No clue what's up with him that he just really doesn't wanna speak audibly. Maybe it's an effect from the Source energy or from Perpetua suddenly and violently ripping it away. Or he just strained his voice or has strep or something and is signing at everyone until he's better and speaking doesn't hurt. :p
  3. PickArole Well-Known Player

    He never got vaxed and has covid, give him a break. He even gave it to my toon, he hasn't spoke a word either.
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  4. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Does he need to be? The man's head could roll off his shoulders and on to the floor, I wouldn't even blink.
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  5. BO PERRY_CRS Well-Known Player

    lol, I only mentioned it because i saw that it was supposed to be repaired in an older hotfix.
  6. Elijah Seed Well-Known Player

    I, for one, say "Thank God for that!" I can't stand the voice acting of Lex Luthor. I've had enough of hearing that pompous arrogant voice almost as much as I've had enough of ALL THINGS Batman.

    And besides, Lex Luthor is completely useless. In the new alert and raid he just sits there and hardly does any fighting. Most of the time he has his back to the fighting. It would be nice to be able to attack him and shut him down with all of the rest of the trash.
  7. Ergotth Committed Player

    He is too tired from shouting "how DARE YOU!?" So many times.
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  8. PickArole Well-Known Player

    I read that too.
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