Lunge Bug 2H - USPS4, Live

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by Kimone, Oct 9, 2019.

  1. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    ATTENTION : THIS IS NOT A THREAD ABOUT DOOM SPIN. Go argue in the Dev thread.

    This is regarding an actual bug.

    I'm reposting because the original thread got derailed because someone used it as a launching point to campaign against a combo, instead of actually talking about the bug behavior itself.

    Lunge on 2H is currently registering a false hit prior to its actual hit; this false hit doesn't deal damage - it's not an free extra attack or anything like that, it's *just* a false hit.

    You can most easily repro this bug in a Duel; it also activates in PVE, but can be reliably and instantly reproduced in a Duel. It's hilarious watching Galea fail utterly to kill my little 52 CR helper (thanks, btw) but it does a wonderful job of demonstrating that 2H Lunge is Broke "broke".

    Simply, start the Duel, use 2H, Lunge once - the attack registers two hits on the Combo counter, but only deals one actual hit. Then have the opponent Block, Lunge again - you deal no actual damage from the attack, at all, you take Counter damage from the Block Counter, and it still registers a hit. It also stops you in midair, quite a distance from the target.

    Damage on Lunge Counter is similarly unaffected; it doesn't increase or decrease the damage on a successful Counter against a Block Breaker; at first you may not notice it because you Lunge, Counter, two damage amounts, two hits - but it's not supposed to work that way.

    The effects of the bug discovered thus far are as follows :

    A.) The false hit adds to combo counter (which is a fairly minimal issue, but still mildly affects Supercharge build rates).

    B.) The false hit (this is more of an Actual Issue) registers as a Counterable hit; if blocked, the Counter stops your attack, instantly. You still TAKE the Counter damage from the Block, but you deal no damage at all instead of partial damage through Block, as per a regular Block Counter exchange.

    This seems like a further erosion of an already compromised system : it doesn't really make the game unplayable, as it stands, but it does throw another stumbling block into the combat system. I can try to post video tonight : didn't have time before bed yesterday, but yeah...

    So, there's that.
  2. CrescentMoon Well-Known Player

    Same thread.
    Crescent Moon, Thurday at 12:59 AM : "Also, Lunging Smash from 2H is adding 2 to the hit counter instead of 1. Small technical bug."

    3 Letters.
  3. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    Yeah, since it got lost in the shuffle I figured I'd run actual testing on it, see what it was and wasn't doing, and do a write-up on it specifically, since your original thread got immediately reclassified as "not a bug" and the Lunge bug was actually a Bug, and deserved like, actual attention.
  4. CrescentMoon Well-Known Player

    When you test the other weapons and their combos, you'll see something else that deserves attention as well xD Sidenote tho, Shield's 5th melee tap, Brawling's Haymaker, and Shield's lunge also give 2 hit counters as well for only 1 damage tick.