LPVE is no fun

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by thedemonocus, Oct 27, 2016.

  1. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    i need a lot of feats from lpve but its hard to bring myself to play it cause i just don't find it fun at all so i rarely play it most of the time i would rather take a bath in battery acid than play lpve

    just my 2 cents
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  2. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    Well, I disagree. It's not my favorite thing, but it's better than a battery acid bath. Also: feats make me happy.
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  3. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Yeah legends suck. First their powers are mostly rubbish, no pi's and no real synergy. There are exceptions of course, but these are few and far between. Second the roster choices are somewhat questionable. Who the heck was lining up to play as Arkillo?
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  4. Zneeak Devoted Player

    Hmmmm, something is not fun. So don't play it, problem solved.

    just my 2 cents
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  5. PsianideUK Well-Known Player

    Fun for you =/= fun for others... Are there any other aspects of the game you would like removed because you don't like them?
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  6. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

    I'm not a big fan of it either, so I just don't bother.
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  7. krytine Loyal Player

    Lpve is a nice change of pace kind of thing. I enjoy it to run it about 1 to twice a week with friends but again change of pace something a little different then the normal grind. Plus you don't need every feat in the game and the grinding feats are not meant to he gotten right away. I do thing the devs need to raise the feat values some . But the OP needs to know skill points are a way to teach you about the game and help be a better player just because you get over 200 doesn't meant you will be 5he best
  8. Zneeak Devoted Player

    The way he worded it in his thread, considering he mentioned feats he "NEED" from Lpve, I have a feeling that he doesn't want it removed but probably all of the feats reduced to fit his own comfort zone. If i'm wrong, apologies to the OP.
  9. spack2k Steadfast Player

    so? its no fun for you, no fun for me, no fun for 99,9999999999% of dcuo players but its fun for the devs :p
  10. PsianideUK Well-Known Player

    Yeah you're probably right... The melodramatic tone just aggravated me I guess.
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  11. Patient Zero Active Player

    Only 2 i truly dislike is SGC and Paradox Wave .. people often have no clue which make the runs horrible rest is fine not hard to complete maybe tweak those 2 a bit more to be more enyoyable
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  12. Redman_x Well-Known Player

    It was fun for the 1st 1.08753 second when it orginally came out.
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  13. Danielle_Tgurl Committed Player

    If they allowed us to set the loadout of the LPVE toons that felt more natural / made sense to the player I would be happier with it. As of now I just do it for the Feats.
  14. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    They definitely didn't pick the best maps to be putting those grindy feats on. But I'd rather see them add to LPVE and Legends in general to make it more interesting, than take stuff away.

    Shorter instances, more characters, solos and duos converted to Alerts etc.
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  15. Owlman DCUO Active Player

    It is great and look forward to more.
  16. comrade sonya Committed Player

    Using the same loadouts available since 2011 to beat content released in 2011 and requiring 1000 more runs to get the feats is not fun. I'm glad the devs listened to community feedback and focused on other things.
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  17. Karas2016 Dedicated Player

    To each it's own, but I hate it.
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  18. Wallachia Devoted Player

    I honestly don't like LPVE. It feels clunky for some reason. I don't know how to explain it.
  19. BumblingB I got better.

    I think I can name a few things better than a battery acid bath. Maybe a shot to the foot. A baseball bat to the knee. Gout... I mean, having your entire body burnt off by a chemical sounds terrible...

    @OP I gave up on the grind ones. I don't care anymore. I got the instance ones, but I'm not sure I can stomach anything else. A lot of it has to do with variety and a lot of it has to do with speed it takes to get through the instance.
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  20. L T Devoted Player

    Sometimes it seems like I'm the only person on the game that likes Legends. It's my preferred way to PVP and I enjoy the PVE runs.

    I don't have all the feats. Most of the team-up and check-list ones, but not too many of the grind ones. I'll get them when I get them-- or not. I don't need to spend all day running the same content just for another 10 point feat. Maybe that's why I find it likable-- because it's a once-or-twice a week deal for me rather than a hopeless grind.
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