LPVE Extravaganza event??

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by xXlNesTlXx, Feb 8, 2023.

  1. xXlNesTlXx Well-Known Player

    Any clue if this event gonna be back? this event was during the week before Xmas event in 2021, but as probably everyone noticed, we didn't have the event during this year, so I decided to ask...

    For many players, this event are a way better than any old episode spotlight, LPVE isn't too much popular, but feats are feats anyways, and if we can grind LPVE feats 10 times faster, we appreciate it very much

    If you don't have idea what I am talking about:
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  2. Limey Committed Player

  3. Eve YouTuber

    May I ask how this is related to testing?
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  4. xXlNesTlXx Well-Known Player

  5. Eve YouTuber

    What are you talking about? I literaly asked why you didn't post in Gotham City where it belongs. Trying to push it on me doesn't do anything. Literally just don't see the connection to testing. P.S It's not only your thread, people been using Test section to report live issues or ask for stuff. It really takes away from the purpose of the sub forum and It's being misused.
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  6. KillahBags Level 30

    I've also been wondering when this will be