Lower cost or add CR scaling to PVP gear

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Black Peacock, May 25, 2019.

  1. Black Peacock Active Player

    I know, I know - quit your whining and get grinding!

    But how can I grind when I can't even play with anyone?

    We all know the state of PVP in this game (spoiler: it's abysmal). If you think it isn't, great, but that doesn't help with the fact that there aren't that many people playing it. In fact, depending on the time of day, there may literally be no one playing it.

    And the gear is /really/ pricey.

    Like, I really don't feel like spending a week waiting in queues to get a piece of gear which /won't/ bump up my CR until I have a full set of it. And hell, I just want it for the style, too. And I'm working to it, I'm almost full Vengeance.

    So, why not lower the price of the PVP gear? Make it easily attainable, given the fact that almost no-one plays PVP you could at least provide a little bit more accessibility to those that do. Or if that doesn't float the boats, at least make PVP CR scale like PVE CR, in other words you don't need to have the full set in order to proceed onto the next tier.

    Honestly, a mix of both'd be great, but I'll take what I can get.
  2. Rainnifer Committed Player

    I think I've gotten most of my pvp styles from the Promethium Lockbox. I was worried about getting vengeance styles because I'm a villain and it said that was for heroes, but I have to thank the lockbox because it has been dropping the styles for me. I don't know if it contains all pvp styles or things like that, but it helps since I don't want to pvp at all.
  3. Black Peacock Active Player

    No such luck in my case. Plus, it's not fair to have to rely on a randomised gambling system to get gear.