Lotta tension lately, let’s play a game.

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Trykz, Dec 1, 2021.

  1. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    Granted, but they are rendered in 240p.

    I wish we could get inside alerts with less than 4 players, and raids with less than 8.
  2. Zero303 Well-Known Player

    granted but its now only solo 1 person.
    i wish we had nature themed home bases.
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  3. metal1ix Well-Known Player

    Granted, but you have to pay monthly rent to Poison Ivy, otherwise she'll take all your furniture and auction it on the black market.

    I wish we can exchange fate tokens with replay tokens (At least to give it SOME value.)
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  4. SuperEpik Well-Known Player

    Granted but only 5 replay badges for 100 fate tokens.
    I wish that artifact breakthough's are no longer a thing.
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  5. metal1ix Well-Known Player

    Granted, but all artifacts that currently exist goes back to level 1 to accommodate for the new ranking system to replace the breakthrough system.

    I wish Zesti Cola was a thing within DCUO. I mean if the two Cola products have an eternal rivalry with each other within in the comics, why not here?
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  6. Trykz Dedicated Player

    Granted we now have the next 3 dlc”s revolving around the cola wars of the 21st century

    I wish I could transfer toons from hero’s to villain and vice versa
  7. SuperEpik Well-Known Player

    Granted but you start over from level one.
    I wish kill counter feats only went up to 25 kills.
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  8. Trykz Dedicated Player

    Granted but you just introduced 1 feat point feats to The game.

    I wish the forums were better monitored and all helpful guides and posts were pinned.
  9. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    Granted, but now Mepps has to work overtime.

    I wish the House of Legends Robot ally always attacked the boss instead of some useless add.
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  10. Trykz Dedicated Player

    Granted but now he does what is took tip says, he stuns, and does no damage.

    I wish The other Allie’s that I actually spent money on could do as much damage as HoL bot lol
  11. Trykz Dedicated Player

    Also lmfao of at your meme haha, good one
  12. metal1ix Well-Known Player

    Granted, but if the robot ally attacks a boss that's blocking, YOU get punished.

    I wish Item boxes prioritize style sets you haven't finished yet before moving on to a new style set.

    *edit for comment above -
    [Granted, but Attacks have a chance to miss.]
    [I wish there was a Normal Mode for every T1-5 Instance.]
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  13. Zero303 Well-Known Player

    granted but now the boxes is behind a paywall to unlock them with real money.

    i wish for a white christmas.
  14. Trykz Dedicated Player

    Granted, the white is tv static, all cable and internet is down for a month.
    I wish the bank had tabs so I could switch between alts without having to switch toons.
  15. metal1ix Well-Known Player

    Granted, but their bank inventory can only be accessed once per toon, per day.

    I wish the Christmas season would let heroes and villains band together.
  16. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    Granted, but they will have to force you to use the term "Herovill"

    I wish that new Wonder Woman game announced at the Gaming Awards sell well.:rolleyes:
  17. Zero303 Well-Known Player

    granted but it only sell well in themyscira.

    i wish we had more skins for our heroes and villains to choose from.
    • Like x 1
  18. metal1ix Well-Known Player

    Granted, but all of the new skins will cost 1000x Source Marks.

    I wish Ultraviolet gave a new power set known as "Primal," where heroes and villains can channel their primal emotions to keep themselves and nearby allies fighting. Due to these primal emotions, they would have to constantly damage enemies to heal in return.
  19. Trykz Dedicated Player

    Granted but you have to play rage for 1 year game time before you unlock this sub class.

    I wish that I could apply materials to skin and toy trinkets.
  20. Zero303 Well-Known Player

    granted but its only the material that turns stuff invisible that can be applied.

    i wish i knew something special.