Looking to get back into DCUO

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Average Gatsby, Feb 16, 2013.

  1. Average Gatsby New Player

    Hey all,

    Haven't played this game in over a year and I'm thinking about giving it a try. I never got very far originally so I'll be rolling a new hero. I had some general questions and I was wondering if you fine folks could help me.

    1. Should I spend money on this game? If so, what should I buy? I'll spend and have spent money on free to play games, but if it's great free, I'll take it. If you spent money on this game, what stuff do you think is best for a new player to buy? What gave you the most value?
    2. Where are the community haunts? If i'm looking for guides or discussion groups, where should I go? Here, a fansite, 4chan, etc.?
    3. What's the best way to play, PS3 or PC? I own both a sick gaming rig and a PS3 with a 55-inch HD tv, so either way I'm going to have a good time. I'm looking for what is best. I also have a PC Gamepad (A Batman controller actually XD) that I can plug in if that turns out to be the way to go.
    4. Any other things I should know before I start?
    TLDR: New guy wants to know what he needs to know before starting this game.
  2. Radium Devoted Player

    1. Starting from scratch you don't NEED to buy anything. The game offers a lot for free and everything up until T3 requires no purchase. That being said, some DLCs offer good value for people trying to level. Lightning Strikes is good for people trying to reach 70CR. Battle for Earth, Hand of Fate and Home Turf are requiered after that though.

    2. Everything you could ever need is here, just need to look around a bit. Oracles Database is the guide section, Powers Weapons and Movements for some good discussion.

    3. PC is definatly the more stable platform, PS3 has the larger population though.

    4. Get out while you still can, HURRY!
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  3. Gafa New Player

    I have a 52" HD tv and the game looks amazing on it.
  4. Morich Well-Known Player

    I would suggest that the most cost effective way of getting the most out of DCUO is to get a legendary membership, especially at the current on-sale price. All the DLCs, unlimited cash, more bank slots, etc.
  5. Gafa New Player

    You don't have unlimited cash... but you don't have to worry about escrow. your cash is still limited to how much you can get and have at the time.
  6. Snow New Player

    Play now so you can still get the free valentine feats and lovely styles!! :p
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