Looking For Players To Grind With (Forming A Group) PS4 Only!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Xanniez, Jun 15, 2020.

  1. Xanniez New Player

    Looking for people to grind dcuo with i will be making a league for us in your interested. Requirements a microphone to talk. will to grind this game daily. also to know when its time to have be serious and not. take criticism. add my PSN Versace_Belt or reply to the forum if your interested would like 8 people max!!
  2. Stephen Nix Well-Known Player

    PS4 only....that's not cool.
  3. Xanniez New Player

    hey you know what they say right?.... you cant please everyone
  4. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Looking for people to play with but segregating only playing with a certain platform. Thats not very Crossplay of you.
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  5. High Troller Loyal Player

    I see you're a new player on the forums. I'll let you in on something. PS4 is part of 2 separate servers. USPS4 and EUPS4, of which crossplay with USPC and EUPC respectively. Simply marching in asking for a PS4 group will not yield the answer you wish.

    Heads up for a next time, specify US or EU in your request. If you cannot figure out what server you are actually on, try submitting a support ticket at:

  6. Doomsday234 Well-Known Player

    I would but I’m busy on something else
  7. Caroline Dedicated Player