Looking for Lpve Farmers

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Tykes Rule, Sep 10, 2018.

  1. Tykes Rule Level 30

    Hi, Looking for people that want to farm lpve regularly to get the number feats- 250, 500, etc.
    Just leave me a message here and I will contact you here and ingame. Thanks.
  2. VictoryMC98 Dedicated Player

    What server are you on?
    Hero or Villain ?
    What day/time do you typically play?
  3. Tykes Rule Level 30

    I wanted to add that there are several maps I can get down to 10 Min. (or even less) with a Great Farming Group :)
  4. Tykes Rule Level 30

    Im on at different times. Sometimes day . A lot evening and nights. Est. Im on Hero Side. US Server.
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  5. VictoryMC98 Dedicated Player

    You can add me; either toon below. I've been playing on Doppelbock more than Weiz at this time.

    What time TimeZone are you in?
  6. Tykes Rule Level 30

    Eastern Standard Time. EST.
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