Looking for League

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Animosity X, May 25, 2013.

  1. Animosity X New Player

    Only have been in 2 leagues my entire DCUO career, which began in January 2011. Just left the league I was in because of the childish antics of a grown man. I consider myself an elite level player, with knowledge and know how in my roles. I was a healer for over 2 years and recently switched to troller. I am currently 1 piece away from T5, the HELM as a DPS and will be working on my controller gear. I fully believe in being the best you can in both your primary (Troll, Heals, Tank) and DPS roles. This allows flexibility.

    I am on the USPS3 HERO, Animosity X. 97 CR (with 85 Weapon) DPS, 150 SP. Around a 90-92 Troll with NO T5 gear, but will be working on it in the coming week. I got a mic, am Legendary, play as often as possible, maybe more then I should.

    I am looking for an ELITE level league, without a childish aura around it. Don't want a "new" league looking for new recruits. Nor do I want a league with 500 members and 900 alts. I am to the point I will just run solo with friends I meet and PUGs (Which seemingly have more success then leagues) if I cannot find a good fit for me.

    If you are looking for a good player, someone who can be an excellent addition to a league and team, LMK. I
  2. Florida Boii Well-Known Player

    ^^^ He's is pretty beast Dps too. Not better than me, but still a beast ;)
  3. Animosity X New Player

    Haha, coulda told me you commented on this after the last 2 hours we just spent running alerts... Appreciate my man!
  4. melvinpox Devoted Player

    I am childish.