Looking for Corp.

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by hardlinexwarrior, Aug 31, 2015.

  1. hardlinexwarrior New Player

    in-game name is xVirtual KAOS
    Faction: Hero
    Server: USPS
    Combat Rating/Skill Points: 74/45
    Power: Sorcery
    Role: Healer
    Do you have mic?: Yes
    Legendary/Premium/Free to play: Premium
    Age: 18
    about myself: im a returning playe, i like to help and i follow instruction and cooperate. im a friendly person too.
    what are you looking for in a league and why?: im looking for a league that is active, helps its members if they need help or are low CR, leaders that interact with their members, comunication in raids etc.