looking for a very specific kind of hero league[USPS3]

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by dWI, Feb 20, 2013.

  1. dWI New Player

    i am looking for a good league that does not require mics but would prefer if we all did not use mics. i actually play without sound, shocking, i know. honestly if you are able to be dependable without communication that should speak for itself. since i am a gadgets controller, i do at times feel it would be nice to have help from a team to tell me who the opposing healer is, but what can you do, no sound.

    that being said i dont want any leagues that make me register on other websites and would prefer for it to be mid size, say 30-40 players. i do both pve and pvp. im not very high in combat rating or skill points yet, but i understand my role very well.

    if you are interested in character specifics

    name dWI
    level 30
    power gadgets
    role controller
    combat rating 56
    skill points 66

    i know on paper im not very impressive, but i have the strive to improve and once i get the combat rating and skill points up, i feel ill be a real contender. so grab me up early.

    i will also make a side note that ive improved substantially since i started playing again in mid january. i wasnt even level 30 when i left in 2011 lol. and ill admit i was bad when i started back up in 2013. i was playing as a controller with dps gear and powers. ive seen the error of my ways thanks to some guy with the name rimahs reborn(cant remember if that name was player name or league name) who ran the brother eye duo with me and told me to learn my role with an expletive in the phrase. sure they could have been nicer but i still took the advice.
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  2. Original Scar New Player

    hey if your still interested in a good league, I ask that you please fill this profile out below.
    Original Scar cr85 tank/dps for PVE, full t4 dps PVP.
    Lantern Scar cr89 troll/dps for PVE, full t4 troll and t2 dps(working on upgrading) PVP.



    1. Name of Character(s) (please label your main):

    2. Power Type and Role:

    3. Weapon(s) of Choice:

    4.Combat Rating and Skill Points:

    5. PVE or PVP or Both

    6. Mic? yes or no

    7. How long will you stay on DCUO?
    a. 1 to 3 months
    b. 3 to 6 months
    c. 6 to 12 months
    d. 12 months or more

    8. Wear a League Emblem, certain piece of gear or outfit? yes or no

    9. Are you willing to share/give colas, exobytes, plans, gear, money, etc. to league members? yes or no

    10. How do you deal with a rival, enemy, friend, foe, or random player that keeps talking trash to you or about the league?

    Here is our posting link below, thanks
  3. YodaDog New Player

    I like your attitude man. My league highly values mics so we're prolly not what your lookin for. However, if you ever need help with gadgets, just hit me up. Im no expert, but I know some tricks and I like to help cool people.

    Good luck out there.
  4. dWI New Player

    thank you, if you ever need another controller for anything id be happy to come along. i pretty sure i have a good set up for gadgets though already. i have 21 active powers including those from stealth, and use 12 of them across 3 loadouts. i wish there was just 1 more slot in loadouts for active powers due to having to rotate anesthetic, turret , stealth based on the situation. i would gladly trade in the consumable slot.
  5. dWI New Player


    im finally at the point where i need a league to raise my sp. with all the current duo feats except 250 battle for earth duos(12 left) and all the solo feats except the wonder woman mentor feats. there isnt many feats left i can get soloing other than tradable styles and rnd ones so im back to looking for some help.

    updated progress


    roles both gadgets control and dps depending on whats needed.

    p.s. have never done a t4 raid so it will have to be explained to me in text. i also spend a lot of time working on alts, namely non level 30 pvpers.
  6. Richard Raul New Player

    The Avenging Legends are recruiting active Legendary subscribers of all CRs on USPS3 server. We are a small but growing league seeking to expand our ranks. We lost alot of our members bc they just stopped playing. Core members are T5 and dont mind helping to gear up new recruits. Message me here or in-game on my main, Richard Raul, if interested.
  7. Bamtastic New Player

    You should join my league EPICXHEROS with me and my bro T5 on our to T5.5 we can get you coght up :) if interested let me know here our Facebook group page and youtube channel links
