Looking for a new player friendly, DC themed league, that runs new AND old content.

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Dardrius, Sep 21, 2022.

  1. Dardrius New Player

    Hello, I played a bit back when the game first came out but I never did any end game stuff.

    Im back now and basically a brand new player. Ive played a few days and my CR is 167 atm.

    I really enjoy progressing through stories in mmos even more so than endgame, and I want to play through all the available content, but a lot of that is very old content that requires many people.

    LFG didn't seem too responsive to running old content so I'm hoping I can find a league that is compatible.

    If the league is green lantern themed, even better, I am a huge GL fan.


    Edit: I will also play endgame content with the league of course!
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