Looking for a League

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Green Lantern, Apr 5, 2013.

  1. Green Lantern New Player

    88 CR 107 SP HL DPS. Looking for a league to run T4 content with. No drama leagues or leagues that let everyone invite people, that's just a circus. Looking for a league that can and does run stuff like Prime and Dawn and soon the T5 stuff when it comes out. Not really into the up and coming leagues, looking for something more established.

    Send me a tell or email in game or a PM here. Thanks.
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  2. DarthPig New Player

  3. Mcluv3n New Player

    check us out shii3sty send me a in game tell mcluv3n youtube.com/infamouslegacy
  4. KiLL ORDER New Player

    Are you just a dps? We want our members to be highly proficient at both roles
  5. Golden_Assassin Committed Player

    assassinsleague.shivtr.com. We run t4 content and have fun all around. No random invite rights either.
  6. Doc Holliday New Player

    Are you just a dps?
  7. Green Lantern New Player