Looking for a league, former City of Heros player

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Mortum, Mar 13, 2013.

  1. Mortum New Player

    Howdy DC,

    Looking for a league "Hero" , Former City of Hero's player and looking for a cool group to do whatever with. Have a mic and also on a PC. I am currently lower level but knowing me won't be to long and I will be up there. Had around 5 cap levels on Hero's. Ingame name is Neumanic. lol I know but all the dead people picked all the good ones.
  2. Abstrakt Loyal Player

    Fanservice is recruiting we dont do the cr stuff weve been around too long for that.
    Check out the site www.fanservice.guildportal.com or hit me up in game my characters im mainly on are noted in my signature.
    We raid several times week start about 6 30 pm cent were getting to the point where we may start scheduling different nights but not there yet. we have people on that pvp and just pve always running something and we can always use more controllers. about 20 or so are active at this time.