Looking for a helpful hero league

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Tlogie, Dec 14, 2013.

  1. Tlogie New Player

    Just started on the USPC. I used to play on USPS3 since launch.I'm a Celestial DPS CR 45 SP45. But once I can get geared I'll heal. PM Transfer Studentps3 in game or here on the forums
  2. Marbou New Player

    You can always join in on the smashing. Just click on the link below.
  3. oUnrealgodo New Player

  4. Captain CdViper New Player

    We are looking for healers and controllers for our Incredible Smashers League

    He are not a military type league but we need those 2 roles ASAP
    We only have a few requirements:

    We need people who pay attention to the leagues chat in the game and outside the game is able to communicate with us, for whatever reason, most of us have become friends and thats the main reason. You will need to be able to install xfire client in you pc thats the official IM of the league. Secondary is Skype.

    We also would want people who are willing to participate in leagues events like: Contest, Sign up for Raid nights, PVP tournaments and more... Because this is what a league is about participating between league mates.

    Last thing is that you will be able to speak up and give your opinion. Using the website or the IM's
  5. Tlogie New Player

    Just signed up on your website. Look forward to joining Incredible Smashers!!