Lois or Vicki email?

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Netherith, Apr 9, 2013.

  1. Netherith Well-Known Player

    The email received after collecting the 'Til Death Do Us Part I briefing collection reads as such.

    From: Lois Lane
    Subject:Briefing: ‘Til Death Do Us Part I
    JLA Watch News Brief: The “Sentinels of Magic” continue to feel their force known tonight in Chinatown as more of Faust’s Magents were brought in for questioning. Zatanna was seen escorting the prisoners, and claimed that the new generation magic heroes have already begun to prove themselves. I’m Vicki Vale.

    Other briefing and collection emails also have problems. Namely with spelling and punctuation. Others have the titles slightly different, as if there have been multiple people writing these and they haven't followed a set template to follow for each email. I suggest having someone go over the emails and fixing the mistakes for presentation reasons if for nothing else. Afterall, we can't have two top-notch reporters like Vicki and Lois seem as if they can't spell official news articles.
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