Up-Votes Needed Lockdown Defiant feat EP 43

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by Corwin Quantum, Apr 18, 2022.

  1. Corwin Quantum Level 30

    Feat is broken. League-mates and I have tried everything we can think of. The mechanic doesn't seem obvious. There doesn't seem to be a way to activate it or to avoid using it. It seems random.
    We tried burning one boss down first.
    We tried burning each boss to the same health.
    We tried using a tank to pull them into the center.
    We tried using a tank to pull them to the Father Box.
    We tried using a tank to pull them to the lockdown circle.
    We tried standing in the lockdown circle, but they teleport into the circle with us.
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  2. Siramez Well-Known Player

    not a bug, its very RNG, i have completed this feat, you really need a very fast burn on mad harriet then other 2 should be no problem.
  3. Corwin Quantum Level 30

    Not a bug. Thanks to feedback. It works if Harriet is 2nd out, both DPS hit her fast and knock her out prior to teleporting, and if you are lucky enough for the Lockdown to not form near you.
  4. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    You can also try body blocking mad harriet with your characters as well as pets, henchmen, etc. I’ve helped a couple people with this and we just crowded her in the middle. One time she even spawned last and we got it but much better chance if she spawns before Lashina.
  5. Jcal Dedicated Player

    I'm Earth, so I've got the bigger bodied Brick out + I throw in Grim and combat pet and henchmen. I swear I've made raging moshpits with pets, Lashina, and Stompa in the mix and MH always slips out. I believe she has a hop out to the player with less hate and that's all she needs. It's either that or she's suddenly gone and in the Lockdown Zone.

    It's frustrating because the feat, as it stands now, is just a 'pray n burn' type, but additionally the first boss is so boring and it really could have used a good mechanic. Like stand on the safe zone or cleanse at the safe zone. Something; anything.

    *** Should mention I'm mostly talking about the Elite version. Forgot you could get it in Normal. It's probably easier to burn there, but my point at large still stands.
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  6. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Oh yeah, there’s your problem. Granted I got it in elite by pure accident somehow. But I’ve helped others get it three other times in normal using the method I described above.