Loa legends pve

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Theblackcat456, Jan 14, 2015.

  1. drkhrt1 Well-Known Player

    Ran it twice: first group 2 Two face, Faust and Catwoman killed Serpent and Bolt first room Completed in 20 minutes. Same 4 people went Batman, Huntress,Atrocitus, Ursa killed Lying and Burning, couldn't get past Serpent as solo boss.

    Suggestion: kill Serpent first until the hotfix is done, and focus fire on Serpent in last room.

    Anyone have an idea on when the hotfix may take place as I don't see many pug groups getting past Serpent as solo boss and completing feats?
  2. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Just finished it, joined a random group in LFG. Went for feats.
    20 minutes, no wipes only 2 deaths. [I forgot the Cola existed at one point]
    Not hard at all, IMO. Just need to roll a lot, and block when their is a giant flashing skull on top of the bosses head.
    Most likely not facing Serpent, I am going to take people's word for it when they say he is hitting to hard.

    The final boss was beyond pathetic, if you have a Legend that can summon a pet you can sit behind it and it will practically absorb Ra's tackle. Not to mention if a long range character has the aggro, Ra's will begin spamming long range attack which you can counter to easily get a lot of damage in and reduce damage on yourself.
    MUCH more fun then Courthouse.
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  3. Odisseo New Player

  4. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

    We beat it. Just gotta burn the heck out of serpent as a side boss and rotate a blocker so they can pick up.

    Definitely harder than I ever imagined it to be.
  5. Odisseo New Player

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  6. Scar-Red Nova Dedicated Player

    Kind of pathetic until the last boss. 3 on 1 is crazy with Serpent Claw, his AoE does way too much damage. Once I figured out you can permastun and control him easily I just solo'd him and hoped my team didn't die. Ended up just kiting Ra's, he's hitting a bit too hard as well.
  7. BRITTENY Dedicated Player

    I'd recommend fighting Lying and Serpent in the final room. Take out Serpent first, then Lying. CC'ing the bosses helps out A LOT, either with powers or weapon attacks. It's a lot easier as the sub bosses have less health than if you were to fight them individually.

    Our fastest run with 16 minutes. Unfortunately, every time we fight Ra's, his reflect seems to stay on for about a minute/minute and a half. We could have cut the time down if he wouldn't keep that "shield" up. We were also able to get just about all the feats out of there using this method.

    I like this alert, WAY more than Courthouse, although, I still don't like Legends PvE, over all. However, I can see myself farming this pretty easily.
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  8. Deepeess New Player

    This, I finished it, queued up for it and finished it, took about 1 hour, but
    point the thing is you can't base the difficult of the content that is for all group of playes
    including new players, fresh new players, around what 4 high skilled players can do,
    No one is saying the instance is unbeatable, but you have to keep in mind the content is
    for everyone even for those who don't pvp often and its supposed to be fun.

    If you are in a position where your feedback is heard and taken into consideration,
    next time, don't think about yourself only, think about the rest of the player base.

    Again I don't want it to be a cake walk, but for only 5 freaking marks of legends as reward
    it shouldn't be this hard.
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  9. Wonder Wiccan Dedicated Player

    I finished this aswell and I honestly suck at most legends. Serpent being a subboss in the last one rather than a boss battle makes this easier using Donna Troy I kept him stunned and the group tore into him like a piece of paper then I did the same to bolt claw while the kyle rayner character kept ras on him. Completed that one easy when we had good team work and communication. It wasn't easy took us an hour but after we kicked the dead weight (read a player who refused to work with us started the fight before we were ready and was a hindrance to the entire team we all agreed on a course of action and got the job done. All it takes is some good team strategizing and communication.
  10. Flightboy New Player

    1st run we used the Bat family (Hero) wiped at Burning Claw once. Then wiped twice on Ra. LOL we had to relearn mechanics. KITING and RANGED ATTACKS are your best friend. Also if you have AGGRO you can KITE around pillars, through breakable boxes, etc etc. The entrance to last boss fight seemed like the best fighting area. Good challenge, BUT definitely doable if you use good communication. Good luck all ;)
  11. Mint Stiletto Loyal Player

    :rolleyes: sheesh
  12. BigBabyGeezuz Dedicated Player

    This is the strategy we used tonight for 8 runs, was pretty smooth by the end but the reflect thing for 1-2 minutes has probably been bugged in that instance for years, just nobody ever noticed the damage. They probably won't take the time to actually fix bugs in the instance, they are just going to tone down the damage.
  13. ChibiMechaX78 New Player

    ive ran LOA around 4 times now. One time we couldn't finish it due to serpent. Second we got through but not without difficulty. Third time we got through after sheer determination to complete it for the feats. Fourth we couldn't do serpent just like the first run.

    My opinion on the event? You have to consider that low levels can run it. Feat hunters need to re-run it. Compared to South Gotham this feels needlessly hard. I really don't care what people who say this is a fun challenge. Most people I've seem say that haven't ran it with serpent being a side boss.

    Low levels won't find this fun at all for its difficulty. If it was just bolt, lying, and burning this wouldn't be a issue but serpent seems just very difficult for people. Not just for me because I've spoken to people who've ran it without me and they had the same brick wall as I. And for those who passed it told me they did not enjoy it at all.

    Not only is serpent a pain you also have to do certain team ups for feats adding either unfamiliar characters to play as or characters who simply lack any edge. Feat hunters have to go through the team up feats and can't always have serpent be last boss anyways. I could not care any less to whoever defends it. The server hotfix is proof enough that the devs disagree to those who defend it.
  14. ErnieB Loyal Player

    Ran it, took about 40 minutes because we kept wiping at the end, can't remember correctly but I believe if you wipe once at the end, when you return Ras shouldn't just start the fight with the other 2 still alive. So we did Burning-Bolt, then Lying and Serpent at the end, easy enough to beat the 2 at the end if you keep stunning them and their health bars are a joke (this should be looked at), then we got to Ras, first part had challenge but beatable, second was a whole different story, I know he get's some buffs there (seems it's all related to his shirt lol), but it's just way out of hand, some of his attacks that are melee have some range capacity, blocking does nothing when he's using his skull attacks, also could self heal be a little faster during his transformation cut scene?. BTW thanks to the player who reminded me about role less buffs and group healing, kinda of forgot about those. Well in all it's a pretty good event, besides the difficulty with Ras and Serpent if you chose him as a side boss (yes I know it's bugged), I believe all in all it's an enjoyable event, though 3 marks seems too low, maybe give 2 for the last fight since it's a 3 part fight after all.
  15. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    I had a blast running this a couple of times with Leaguemates tonight. It was a struggle at times, but heck, that's half the fun. :)

    I really only have two comments:
    1. It's so much fun playing the instance as originally intended (i. e. not steamrolling it). I'm seeing mechanics that I never even knew existed back in the pew pew days of Update 3, and it makes me appreciate the dev/design team that much more. I think Legends PvE is going to be great for this kind of revisitation of old content.

    2. That said, it was - in my opinion - a great deal more difficult than it was when it was first released back in 2011 (if you don't count the awful Update 3 lag/hitching issues as adding to the difficulty level). It'll be interesting to see how the instance runs when it's turned down one notch.

    Thanks again for the fun, devs! :D
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  16. LescioEU New Player

    I run loa 4-5 times with different combos (and different combination of claws) with char that i never used and we finish it all the times, ok we have some wipe cuz everytime someone don't know how to use the char but it's not so hard. But don't worry they nerf it for all crying players.
  17. Alekimsior New Player

    I ran this thing about 4 times. 1 disband, 1 excuse myself out, 2 successful runs.

    My first attempt, used Circe, the character I use best, to get the feel of the place. We succeeded reaching first boss, problem was... it was Serpent Claw. Attacking him melee was suicidal, and his gas bomb move would bypass Circe's shield so doing pickups was hellish. Keeping him at range was a nasty trick with having people die, or his relentless snake attacks. Don't know how many times we wiped, in the end we disbanded.

    Second time, went as Circe, too. It was amusing, because everyone was on the same page. Most voiced going after Serpent Claw first. That was a done deal. We faced the fire claw, and his meteor attack wiped us once. Group finished on 2nd attempt. Bolt claw was mauled to death, don't think he even got chance to attack.

    Against Rhas, we wiped, because one of his smash moves would kill most of us. We did good job at keeping pickups. Second attempt we did a better job, using the stalagmite as a buffer between us and Rhas. He was defeated.

    On third attempt, started trying achieve the feats. Played as PG & someone was Saint. Same drill. Serpent Claw was good as dead. Had some issues against fire claw, but we did pretty good against Rhas.

    Fourth attempt SC was first to go. We had issues against fire claw & his meteor attack. I was able to survive 2 almost consecutive meteor blasts by blocking. The others died, did my best to pickup, but We we wiped. Asked others to block, but others insisted on moving (to my experience, even at a far distance from circle on floor, people could get 1 shotted). We cleared. Rhas wiped us about 3 times, noticed the team was each attacking different enemies.... I was tired, so asked be excused.

    The challenge is definitely a bit higher, however, was disappointed in the loot. Recently I've received no furniture, just Marks.
  18. Chungweishan New Player

    I just ran it using Huntress. Took forever (lots of wipes) just to get through the first room. We barely got it together just to pass the blade-walls.

    Then my team couldn't get passed the first boss (Serpernt Claw): hit like ton of bricks. The DoT makes it difficult to block-heal, unless I just went full-range kite attacks.

    I'll be honest though, we all went melee-range and had no sense of coordination. Everyone attacked random enemies in the first room. Didn't seem like block-healing was working at all for me and my team. I'm not even sure they were aware of that anyways, nor did it matter when the enemy-DoTs were more powerful.

    So yes, I'm on the other side of the spectrum... being a part of the "crying players." I feel it shouldn't be so difficult to frustrate players regardless of their experience. It gives a bad impression of the game. I'm glad that others were able to complete it and appreciate the challenge. However the way I see it, if a full team of new Robins or Harleys can't do it... then that's a problem. Although I understand the idea that maybe I should pay for a better character to complete it (MONEY!!!).

    Do I think we should steamroll it? Yes. I'm using a character I rarely use without help from a Healer. The mission should give all players a sense of accomplishment to pursue using the same character in PvP. Not get blasted to the point they hate all Legends if this is their first introduction to it and the map. When I have more confidence in beating the map with a CR69 character, that's not so good.
  19. Killgasm Well-Known Player

    Had an absolute blast running this tonight. Most fun I've had in a while. First time was me and 2 friends as Superman, Power Girl, and Saint Walker with a random pug as Sinestro. Ran into Serpent Claw as the first boss. We quickly got wiped and were like wow we actually need to use some strategy here! Worked out a plan on trading off tanking duties while the rest spread out to avoid the poison fog and beat him down.

    Final room we wiped on Ra's the first time and came back in. We saw that if you wipe then you have to fight all 3 at once. I was like, don't beat it the first time and it gets harder? Hell yeah! Worked out a plan where whoever aggroed Ra's would kite him while the other 3 beat down Burning and Bolt Claw. 2nd form Ra's was pretty easy, just lunge his stomp smash and roll out of the way of his charges.

    Ran it a 2nd time with the easy solo bosses as Batman, Huntress, Nightwing, and Robin and crushed it in under 20 minutes. Then decided to run it 2 more times with Serpent as a solo boss just because we had so much fun in that fight. Beat him again with Joker, Harley, Catwoman, and Two Face with only a couple wipes. Then once more with Atrocitus, General Zod, and Ursa x2. That lineup was probably the hardest. Wiped several times and had a final time of about 40 minutes. Just glad we got to run it a bunch before it gets dumbed down!
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  20. Circe New Player

    LOA has always been one of the most glitched instances for me (final boss fight). I was afraid this glitch would make its way into Legends PVE. I'm surprised the devs and testers allowed it, because some of us have been posting about this glitch in Arkham Asylum, and it's STILL like this! If they can't fix the glitch, they need to do something to help us out when the game glitches outside of our control, and ruins the whole instance for us.